Gotta admit it's mighty dps dependent in the low ranks gold and lower

  1. mercy is only my most played by a single minute this season big stretch to call that being a mercy main.
  2. I almost exclusively solo queue when i’m not doing so it’s either with a support main or my boyfriend who is a tank main.
  3. I actually peaked as DPS not even support and I have nearly double the Pharah time as mercy time for example.
    I was consistently diamond as a dps player until a brain surgery where I was no longer physically healthy enough to perform I played support fell to silver until i recovered then climbed back up in solo queue mind and yes that climb was as a mercy player but again solo queue.

All of this is easily verifiable looking at past seasons but sure put yourself out on a limb and look silly by trying to accuse me of being boosted


There is a certain point but if you constantly engage the enemy and draw 4-5 people onto you as tank and then you just keep dying while your dps gloats about how good he is because he killed tracer that one time, it’s really not fun. I’m playing platinum as healer and upper diamond as tank yet the dps seem just as bad when it comes to teamwork. the only difference is hitrate. In fact most tactical dps play better in my plat matches than most dps in my dia matches.


You basically just answered your own question if you feel your DPS is playing better in your platinum games than your diamond games and in your diamond games you are the one playing tank creating space for them there is a clear problem with your tank play holding them and you back. That or potentially your support is better relative to the ranking your in and your enabling your platinum dps a bit either way you can climb/carry on any rank.
What I will say is a high diamond DPS is orders of magnitude better than a platinum one that really shouldn’t even be a debate. Stop blaming your dps and fill the gaps in your gamesense.

Lol. Blame the tanks anyway, can’t be that there’s just a ton of dps that have no gamesense themselves and just die literally 2 meters from a shield. Nah.

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It can’t be that you make mistakes nah your a perfect player who should be in Overwatch league and your teammates are holding you back clearly.

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Because that’s what’s been said, right Dramatico?

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I know these are just anecdotal pieces of evidence, but in 3 matches today I had the following kind of dps: First a lone wolf guy that flames you when you ask him to use junkrat vs the enemy in choke point while he’s dying on the flanks alone. Then 2 overextending non-mobility heroes who keep getting killed on defense because they cannot use our orisa’s shield. And last a Doomfist that was literally just trickling in, while spamming group up, never waiting.

Please note how I’m not saying I know much better. I know I could do better, but these are basics of gameplay, and should be required in diamond.


Well here’s the thing. They’ve got to learn and get their “practice” in where it matters. I’d say just be grateful that dps like that won’t go higher until they’re better and just move on.

@alayla - how would you be able to make this claim ‘climbing’ with the lowest skill cap character in the game? if you were good, why not zen? why not lucio? why not ana?

you climb with the face rolliest support character in the game to then stand on your ‘skilled’ high horse. interesting.

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Then if Mercy is so easy to climb with, then play her and get Platinum.

why? i got plat before with zen and lucio. i’ll get it again playing all but mercy/brig based on how quickly i’ve climbed since 222 was added.

Funnily enough dps moira is probably the thing that might get you back to platinum. There is such a thing as soft throwing by boosting or healing players that are not worth it when you yourself could do more damage than what you gain by supporting them. Obviously you want to be a good teamplayer, but sometimes you really need to go zen or moira and get those decisive kills. You don’t even have to play dps-moira but you should pounce on any low health targets that stray from the enemy team and quickly finish them off, especially if it’s a healer.
You are not throwing by not healing if you actually and honestly deny the enemy the same or even more healing than what you do. Sometimes simply trying to outlast the enemy doesn’t work, and most of the times in lower ranks it’s because there are no kill confirms on the damage that someone else has done.



When i notice that somebody on my team is not pulling his/her weight when i support them (and trust me, you notice this very quickly when you play support), i shift my rescources to somewhere else in the team.
Be it another player that actually gets value out of my supporting or going for a kill myself when i see a low hp enemy.

Yes, i will go for the low hp enemy ana, even if you die because of this.

Dont get me wrong, i will still heal those players when the opportunity is there.
It’s just that the chances that we win that team-fight with the enemy ana dead are simply higher then with the “heavy” teammate alive.

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I HAVE won fight by exclusively pocketing certain players in bad teams as mercy. Once a random symmetra that was being flamed from the beginning literally hardcarried when I switched to mercy and just pocketed her. Other times I’ve turned games around by picking Zen and just spamming the enemy tanks, thus making some room. It’s hard when you don’t really need a healer but you are forced to play one, but Moira and Zenyatta are my usual go to heroes. And as I said, Mercy, if there is someone worth pocketing.

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The downside to this kind of thinking is that neglecting to give someone the resources they need to succeed because you consider them heavy will quickly become a self fulfilling issue.

Someone can have a bad push or two, or maybe the tanks aren’t making space for them, or whatever. If you quickly decide they’re too heavy and focus on DPSing, they have no chance to turn that around. Keep in mind that you’re not as effective a damage dealer as the DPS.

Securing kills on low health targets is always valuable, though.

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Pharah is only as good as the pocket.

Making these kinds of decisions is a base skill of healers in general. Many lower ranked, or non-healer players often make such mistakes, though usually in the way that they tunnel on one hurt party member and forget more important people.
Obviously when someone starts being useful to the team I personally would immediately heal them again, but those cases are not common. It’s obviously also the wrong mindset for playing support in diamond and above, that is very important to keep in mind, but sadly there is no other way to climb as a proper healer (not as a stunted dps with a heal button) if you’re in Elo hell below diamond.

If you’re not actively healing them, they don’t get a chance to start being useful.

Let me give you an example:
I’m playing Mercy and the Enemy Team has a Phara that is shooting our Team.
I start pocketing our Hitscan to help him take down phara.
The thing is…he can’t hit the Phara at all… I am getting no feedback that our Soldier is hitting something while i am damage boosting.
The only time phara died was when i used Mercy Ult and flew in her face pew pewing her.

This is the kind of Situation where i will swap off Mercy and go Ana/Bap/Zen to deal with Phara myself.


Honestly before 2-2-2 I wouldn’t advocate getting out of silver or bronze in the support slot. The organization is too bad unless you get on the mic and herd cats, and that requires the bronze or silver player to have the knowledge and confidence to make the calls, which could be unlikely. It also requires the team to listen, which is again unlikely. There are people in silver that cold easily be in Gold but they just self sabotage through tilt, throwing, or being generally bad teammates.

With 2-2-2 I still say Tank or DPS your way out of silver with self sustain characters that don’t require a lot of support. Work with your team for sure, but don’t expect much from them.

If you really love support, Zen all day everyday. If you get good with Zen you can carry a match with him as teams won’t be coordinated enough to dive you and you can absolutely shred tanks and win flanker duels regularly at that rank IF you work on your Zen (Aim, Positioning, Discord Priority, Trans farming/Usage). Moira is a good option too as you can confirm kills and have massive healing for mobs of players that stand clumped getting shot while spamming spacebar, and can win duels with characters that will take forever to kill you because of poor aim.

Between those two you should easily climb out even without joining voice.