⭐ Got any embarassing habits in-game?

As Brig when I get in a battle trance and am running on pure instinct in a teamfight, I’ll sometimes whip/attack at my team mate because they came into view on my screen, without even realising…

good thing friendly fire isn’t on in this game :sweat_smile:

Also for the longest time when I had high ground (with any hero), something inside compelled me to simply give it up once the fighting started and I’d just walk off the ledge as I was fighting, I seriously cannot explain it but I’ve learned to keep my high ground from now on

solo-ulting that ana in the backline as reinhardt and charging her off the map.


tbagging a doomfist
tbagging a smurf widow when I am doomfist
tbagging a smurf
tbagging a mei
tbagging a mei as rein (legit do it dont care if I die)
tbagging as reaper everyone I kill

I need to stop tbagging man ;-;

My bad habit is underestimating reddit lucio. They aren’t prepared.

Being to aggressive as sombra to get picked of lol or trying to out duel a hanzo for fun lol

Not a habit, but i once shot my junks trap 3-4 times before realizing that it’s friendly… To make things worse, the moment was in play of the game from my perspective…


I tend to get killed from behind while tbagging the corpses of FFA Moiras & Hogs, but it’s not really a habit I’m inclined to change.


You also have a habit of walking straight into damage orbs and then making forum posts about moira being OP


I spam voice lines too much. 24/7 you can just hear ‘you’ve made a dog’s breakfast of it’.


solo graving reaper and forgetting that he can shift out of it

Isn’t it better to walk towards the orb so that it passes by faster though?


i have this habit of tbagging as rein in a team fight.

giving my supports ult charge, is like a false sense of security for me. ill even hold my shield up, and spin around so i can keep charging their ults. yeah really stupid, but really fun.

thats the secret tradition for becoming a dedicated Rein main XD

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Exactly, Just run thru it and bid it adieu

I tend to press Reload even with heroes like Moira and Sigma that have no ammo.


I pick my nose and eat-, oh, in game? Hm… Lemme get back to you.

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still try to reload as d.va sometimes

d.va main btw

Trying to DM a Zarya, when it’s clear she doesn’t have an ultimate (the beginning of the match, right after she used, etc).

Yeah sometimes I’ll smack my teammates around in a teamfight because the visual clutter is too much. Also play brig


Reloading when I don’t need to so that when I’m 1v1ing someone and get them low my brain is like RELOAD even though you’ve only used half your clip! So I reload and then I usually die lol