⭐ Got any embarassing habits in-game?

Just play Hanzo, problem solved :laughing:

I have to punch all the extinguishers and gas canisters I see before the match starts. I feel weird if I don’t do it.

I rarely read the chat box during a game. It’s only at the end of the match that I actually read it but usually it’s just fan text such as:

“Stop freezing me Mei! $%#&” or “Go away Vangel!” :grin:

As Symmetra (one bad habit already) will Orb charge until max then reload if no enemies in sight. Even after a Teamwipe/coming back from spawn. I think it allows me to have a burst option ready, at least, I wanna believe that.

I have a terrible habit of waking up Ana sleeps. I have a very aggressive playstyle (I main dive tank) and it’s difficult for me to switch my brain from go go go to leave the slept target alone.

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I look at widows butt after i dive and take her out

Walking into spawn junktraps

Yes. I don’t always use fortify, but when I do it’s immediately after I deployed my shield.
I also respond to all beam and melee attacks with my favorite sigma absorb ability.

Giving my life to get boops as Hog and Lucio.

Slingshotting myself straight into Hammond mines as Mercy.

Just today I was trying to go in for a superjump on Anubis so I could get to high ground, but even though I saw the bright yellow soul of my dead teammate just beyond my reach, I failed to notice the stupid bomb that was right in front of it.

Catapulted myself right into it as though I wanted a free teleport to spawn smh.

When I was a Roadhog main, I could never remember to make sure I had ammo before hooking somebody… I can’t tell you how many times that’s gotten me killed.

I feel this, especially on Roadhog. I’ve made some pretty funny combinations with his voicelines.
“There’s no I in piece of cake!”
“That’s my piece of cake!”
“There’s no I in I’m beached as, bro.”

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My superchargers being the first thing that dies in a teamfight
every time

I heard a hilarious and sad one a while back. We were losing really badly and our Hog went “I don’t like…life (bluehhhh)” (his laugh) then walked off a cliff


I also have a bad habit of over committing on Sombra that I need to stop. :sweat_smile: I also tend to forget to reload her gun sometimes like a doofus.

As Ergotth said earlier, I try to reload on chars that don’t need to. It’s secretly embarrassing.

When Ashe’s dynamite explosion hits my team, sometimes I try to spray my affected team mates with Mei as if the Endothermic Blaster can put out the fire. It is instinct thing.


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I impulsively spray, everywhere, everything.

Not so much a habit that I am embarrassed of, but whenever I pick D.Va on the hero select screen, I time my click so when she fires her finger gun and goes “Pshoo!”, I click. I won’t just click right away. I have to wait for that “Pshoo!”

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A bad habit of my is pulling out my Mercy pistol at anyone who even looks at me funny. I’m paranoid that they’re gonna jump/shoot me… Works most of the time though and sometimes I land a kill! :clown_face:

Getting too into a battle, missing a charge, then flying off the map because I forgot my spacial awareness and didn’t course correct in time.