Goodbye Auto-Queue

its pretty annoying having to manually requeue for a match like yesterday i sat for 10mins wondering why i havent found a match cause i didnt know they took auto queue away

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it’s definitely a bug considering there’s an option to turn it on/off in settings.


You’d think that, but it’s been this way for arcade since OW2 came out. If it was a bug I would’ve expected them to fix it at some point in the last two years.

Yeah, I dont think its a bug, unless its some kind of reverse bug as last season, the default for QP was auto-requeue. I think they just disabled it but I guess the bug is now if its selected in the settings menu, auto-requeue no longer works properly :thinking:

I hope they bring autoqueue back, but I didn’t like how it didn’t have a way to cancel autoqueue until after the countdown either.

This seems to have only started happening since the 14/10 update - and I can’t find anything in the patch notes to suggest that auto re-queue was removed intentionally. I’m thinking, and hoping, this is a bug.

I like to read and watch things between games - and having to manual requeue is making me to an extra click I don’t wanna do.

The suggestions to have it as a check-able after your first match is a good idea imo.

Edit: “We are aware of an issue where auto-requeue for Quick Play is currently not working.”

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it’s probably an intentional ‘bug’ that will get fixed after some time. What are the odds that it results in a measurable increase in people engaging with the microtransaction system? They’re probably farming kids for Halloween battlepass money

Hmmm, that is an interesting theory!

Perhaps players are browsing the Store more since the auto-requeue was disabled. Genius market strategy! :laughing:

This has to be a bug.

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Good news!

There was a new patch update today and the Auto-Requeue got fixed! I gotta say, its great to have it back! :ok_hand::ok_hand:


Playing on support and jump from match to match with no time to take a breather I turned it off long time ago.

So it is broken now after the update?

I think there was an update that fixed it yesterday. So it was broken at the start of the season and is now working again.


Oh! Didn’t know it was broken so…

I got so used to auto-Queue that I keep forgetting to re-queue.

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