Good start on Mercy nerfs now GA pls blizz

Hey the 50hps is a good change that’ll help balance out the support lineup for a month or so, after her pickrate begins to improve you should look to increase the Guardian Angel cooldown to either 3 or 4 seconds, that will force Mercy to position herself better.


Yes. Mercy nerfs are so juicy.


Yeah great idea, and then after that let’s just remove Healing and Damage Boost, make Guardian Angel only work on enemies, have Angelic Descent cause her to plummet to the ground and take fall damage, force Valkyrie to launch her straight up into the skybox and stay there until the duration ends so you get a bird’s eye view of your team dying, have her passive regeneration actually damage her unless she’s dealing damage with her blaster, and then lastly give her 5 shots in her blaster.

But keep Resurrect the way it is so that people will still complain and call her OP.


I’m down with those changes.


yes, i feel like she gets too much mobility
and its hard to kill her more then any other healer


No, stop asking for more, we aren’t trying to make it into the Guiness Book of World Records for most nerfed hero in a game.

Do you understand how it feels to have your hero nerfed literally over and over and over and over x 10 times?? You probably don’t. Do you know how it feels to have a newer, worse version of your hero you have to learn new mechanics for every few months? only to have it ripped out from under you and you get whiplash as you scramble to learn the newest, worst version of them


because god forbid a healer can escape from flankers and DPS reliably


You got me, here’s 5 internet points :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

You made the thread, do you not want to discuss what your thread is about? Or did you want an echo chamber where everyone just says ‘yeah good thread anon’


The good Lucios are hard to hit but that means that they’re either not healing their team or they’re missing a lot of shots due to so much movement.

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Nah on a serious note, if the changes are not enough GA is what they should look at. Still gotcha though.

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The sad thing is that they’ll probably to this, throwing away all the other interesting, fun and balancable feedbacks about an hypotetical Mercy 3.0


Mercy’s mobility is her primary form of defense and a tool she uses near constantly just for micro-movements and being able to be where she’s expected to be. Increasing this cooldown, even by a second, makes her way too vulnerable to justify filling a role, especially when dive strategies are looking to make a comeback and after her nerf to raw healing output.

Before we go expecting any more nerfs, we should look at where this lands Mercy. A nerf to her healing output has a huge effect on her, so let’s take time to digest where her power levels really end up. But even if she does need a nerf after this, it shouldn’t be to GA. It’s not even an overpowered ability, it’s quite predictable in its trajectory, and even the best users of GA will still get squashed so long as the enemy is aware that she’s just going to GA to safety on the first dive. You know, just having another diver, even a suboptimal one, in position to meet her when she flies away? Not too difficult to line up.

GA is also arguably the most fun aspect of playing Mercy, and considering the biggest complaint about Mercy right now from her players is that she doesn’t feel very fun? Not a smart idea to make her even less fun, even if it’s in the earnest interest of a better balanced game.


nerfing a healer’s only mobility is absolutely the worst idea you could do. I don’t understand why the community and the devs do not get this:
BUFF ANA AND ZEN’S MOBILITY (or give ana self healing over time) and surprise, they will start getting picked and win way more, becoming equal with Mercy.

You do not need to decimate and nerf Mercy into the mud so she’s ‘balanced’ compared to the other healers who have awful downsides to their kit


No. GA is not what they should nerf next. GA shouldn’t be nerfed, because GA is not what’s causing Mercy to be picked constantly. Rez is. Rez is the part of Mercy’s kit that needs changing. And yet Blizzard ignores Rez and instead nerfs the parts of Mercy’s kit that make her fun to play, while also doing nothing to her balance wise. Meaning Mercy gets left as an OP, braindead Rez bot.

Current Mercy has had like 13 nerfs now. That’s not a successful rework. Mercy needs a revert. Not another nerf.


no b/c the other healer have less survive ability then mercy

that is true but lucio take skill to do that as mercy u just spam a button and look at a teamm8 if they’re alive or dead

and as u said its make them unable do somethings unlike mercy that can do everything but rez

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Dont touch GA. It’s not the problem and the only fun part of her kit.


fun to who? to the mercy
yes like mass rez was fun
or how brig was fun at the start

Fun as in it’s the only part of her kit used more than just holding down a button and standing in place. Mercy isnt your healer punching bag the person playing her needs a little involvement in the game too.


Zenyatta can defend himself and kill most DPS before they can kill him, if you have good aim, you won’t have a problem with survivability.

Lucio literally has the best mobility in the game after Hammond. If you can’t escape or survive very long with him, you’re a bad Lucio.

Ana has Sleep Dart and Biotic Nade.

Moira has Fade, life steal, and healing orbs.

Brigitte probably has the best survivability due to her shield, armor, Inspire, and stun.

Mercy just has GA.


The op is trolling, and even admitted to it (indirectly) in the post above yours

And should be flagged accordingly…