"GA on 2 secs is op/skilless"

People did want GA nerfed and there was a good bit of complaining WAY back when the rework 1st came out, and all the good Mercies figured out how to use the angel hop bug.

( Mercy was the fastest hero in the game if you used that right)

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She has better hp per square meter hit box, a 149 inta heal once every 13 seconds and health packs scattered about that she can get to quickly. Also healing

Does Mercy also have to dive into the enemy team, looking for openings?

If you play her as I do yes. I have a 3.5/5 death to res ratio per mid team fight res (as in anyone could kill me I’m in the open)(stats from 5 games)

Not to mention that you need to enemy bounce sometimes + dip. You can also get people to go out of position by going up to their face, getting hurt and going to the team.

I have never heard that before.


It does happen. Luckily it died down around August, but Guardian Angel has been called op and targeted by nerf posts in the past.

People don’t seem to ask for it as often now, which I’m thankful for. I’m merely providing proof that it does since you asked. Also sorry about not having trust level 3 for links.

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Never heard anyone say that ever, and if anything, its one of the only things people mention in regards to mercy needing skill because of the GA tech. Get outta here and stop making people up to fit ya narrative

She can’t 1 v 3 wtf. Brb let me find 3 more people so they can 3 v 1 me in match and see who can take the objective better.


I mean like a top teir tracer. You read a third of the post.

She can’t stop getting better so an extremely good tracer could technically perfectly 1v3

That can be said about any hero though :sweat_smile:

lol, that make my post even more legit. Top tier tracer has to vs against other top tier players as well.
So one gm tracer cannot win against 3 other gm who play different heroes.

That is why even on gm, if they have one leaver, that’s literally a lost because the lost of one gm is huge.

People saying they’ve never seen GA be called OP is proof nobody ever properly read the constant arguments.

Probably too busy meme’ing about hive-minds and cults :rofl:

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I don’t think you understand what I mean, so uhh…

You said tracer can 1 v 3 and win, no, that’s not how it works.

if you are good enough

Most of the time I see it in “Nerf Pharmercy” posts. People definetly bring it up a ton when it comes to Pharah

Are you talking about smurfing here?
Again, I said if a tracer player is good enough, then they should be vs against teammates at their level.

Also if it’s smurfing, then it isn’t just about tracer, it’s about every other heroes.

A T500 mercy can’t join a gold game and carry, a T500 tracer can (this is simplified)

Tracer has a limetless skill ceiling, mercy’s ends eventually

There are top 500 mercy who can carry game and reach top 500 starting from scratch.
The difference between top 500 mercy and gold mercy is huge, but you making it sounds like they’re the same.

Are you implying Mercy’s kit is too simple that there is no difference whether the player who played her is good or not?

I’m talking about a skill ceiling, you don’t understand what I’m saying so why don’t we just drop it