Good Bye Overwatch

I have been playing Overwatch since it came out and I am primarily a healer main. I have been hard stuck in gold and the toxicity, smurfs, and leavers destroy the game. Blizzard has yet to find a way to fix these negatives and I have lost confidence that they even care to fix them. After these 3 and a half years of primarily playing Overwatch, I am done. It is just not fun anymore and competitive play just puts me in a rage. There are plenty of better games that are more worthy of my time. If a game is no longer enjoyable and just makes you feel upset all the time it is not worth it. If you share my feelings, uninstall, for you mental health.



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@OP i agree. Try Halo , i loved the online version. Reach just came out for PC


If you ever comeback do consider getting a smurf even thought metas can honestly ruin the game just pick the support that goes with it and abuse the fire rate system and you should at least place plat.

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On my main account, my support is placed 3200. I placed a smurf, and got gold last season. Now I’m stuck. People keep saying ELO hell isn’t real, but like… I have 4 accounts, one in high-mid diamond, one in high plat, and one in gold. I tryhard on all of them. And I can’t climb. So one of these is wrong.
(My last account is also diamond but it’s support only from before role queue) (If you check my profile, check the psn. My PC account is gold but thats because I struggle with movement with a keyboard.)


I think you just need to find a group of people that are team oriented. this will solve a lot of what you are not enjoying.

jUsT gEt A gRoUp is such a cop-out though. Is jail not fun? Get a group and suddenly it ain’t so bad. You can make almost anything endurable with a group. If it isn’t decent w/o a group, it ain’t worth playing.


what toxicity are people talking about, i really dont get, im even on voice, auto join too…i didnt see any toxicity…
do they mean if someone types something in the chat its toxic?? i really dont get it

yeah but taco what youre saying is so subjective. Granted this is your post but still. This game is extremely rewarding for me solo queing. With a group it would be even better. Jail doesn’t sound fun at all. But Im sure one could argue with the right friends in there, it would be significantly more tolerable. Using your same anology, solitary confinement wouldn’t be fun to anyone, yet overwatch is fun in a solitary way. All im saying is your perspective could be viewed as a cop out. Im not sure what you are expecting posting something like this, I try to be positive and perhaps persuade you to try something new and you go deeper in the negative field. I think at this point if the game bothers you that much, a break could potentially be in order.

well did you improve or not?
if I was hardstuck I would be extra motivated to get out of that rank!

a few months ago I made a post crying about how I was hardstuck gold, the same day I got to platinum and im on my way to masters now.

well it’s your choice to quit but just saying

4-5 weeks ago, I played Competitive 3v3, when at one point in Plat I played with a really good player. He said, that we were the first guys he had met that didn’t play like complete potatoes.
It turned out (I checked his profile) that he was a GM player of regular Competitive, but had placed Plat here.
In regular Competitive I have historically been High Plat with a few times in Diamond, our third guy was low Plat.

We teamed up, and it went quite well the first two games. Then suddenly insanity took over the Matchmaker. We got teamed against multiple Masters (of regular Competitive) and even GMs at times. The games went completely bananas, and our team got blown out of the water until he was forced to leave. As soon as he left, everything became normal again for me and the third guy, and we climbed until he hit Diamond, a rank he had never been in in regular Competitive.

So, even though our GM guy was in Plat in 3v3 Competitive system, the Matchmaker still identified him as something else, and actively worked against him to equal him out. He was not allowed to climb - or at least, if he was to climb, it was against insane odds.

IMO a fair Matchmaker would allow him to easily climb out of Plat, to levels where he is better matched. Instead he and the opposing Masters/GMs that had placed Plat, were kept there, as the 3v3 Matchmaker matched them against each other.

I believe the regular Competitive matchmaker does exactly the same. Even if you are in gold, you will be equalled out, so you have to fight harder to climb, making you hardstuck two ranks below where you normally belong.
The Matchmaker is so bad, that it is incomprehensible.


nobody cares that you think people don’t care either.

I care, and when I see these post it makes me think about what we can do as a community to help the game.

Stop being abrasive just to be abrasive. don’t like the post? ignore it.


If ‘‘nobody else’’ (you) dont care what I think why did u even replied to my comment?

It’s kinda funny ngl, maybe u should think about what u write before pressing enter. So i’d say the same to u if u dont like it, ignore it.

Have fun whatever you’re gonna play

sadly I feel you,

I’ve met toxic people with endorsment at 3 and this is still a mistery to me, but guess they have it at 3 just because they play healers or tanks.

I hope to see you back again, maybe when you’re less disappointed from the game or you take a good break.

Toxicity means someone pissed off a guy and now he’s in your game raging at anyone he feels like and then those people go off to another game spreading the toxicity.

Some people think saying gg ez is toxic but that’s not what the term means. It’s creating a norm for being a jerk to people.

OP: I’m leaving, this relationship is terrible now!

Overwatch: Uh… did you say something?

I really wonder what people think they accomplish with these kinds of posts?

Yeah, people don’t realize it but these type of posts literally influence other people mindset, this game is dying and its utterly trash now.


the reason why you get hardstuck even more now is because
if your DPS is garbage…you lose
if your tanks wont tank…you lose
and its the same with the other roles
if your owning on DPS but your healers just afk. you lose
if your owning on tank but your DPS wont do anything or your healers wont heal…you lose
its either your carry the team or your team carries you.

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Funny, i was completely stuck in mid plat before LFG. after its release, climbed to diamond before rolequeue, when rolequeue came out, i climbed through low diamond to what i am today

Groups can help, just find the right one for you is difficult

So you’re a mad, bad lad that’s sad?