Good Bye Overwatch

Can you answer these questions honestly?

  1. So are you mad because you think you deserve to be higher than gold?
    There are countless of videos where people climb from bronze to grandmaster or whatever regardless of toxicity, throwers, leavers, Smurfs, etc. If people are really above skill-wise to the rink they would climb regardless of any of those issues.
  2. So does your fun have everything to do with your rank? You think being in a higher rank would make it more fun to you?
    Also toxicity exist in other games as well. It is not exclusive to Overwatch. actually toxicity is way worse than other games where you know Overwatch it just seems everybody is super sensitive about everything…

The problem with this game is things I’ve stated many times.

  1. Dead weights doom you
    This is a huge issue in this game the devs seem to ignore. Unless you are masters or above that dead weight is an instant GG. No other team based game I’ve ever played absolutely crushes you under the weight of someone who is terrible. LoL even stops giving money to the other team once a person has died past a certain point. Unless a system is put in place, I fear this issue will easily carry over to 2. People being punished by a system that doesn’t care about lacking area just that you didn’t magically carry that person. This isn’t just in Comp either QP also suffers this issue. What should be a fun casual event is quickly brought down by “this person can’t/won’t do their role so we lost.”
    Just because you don’t ‘feel’ it’s cheating devs doesn’t mean it’s not. People stomping all over someone in a far lower bracket than them is cheating. High school football players aren’t thrown in a match with pro players destroyed and the refs just shrug it off. Smurfs make an already garbage system even worse for people in lower ranks.
    How are they to be graded SR or such wise when the other team has 1 or more clearly far higher tier players? Hint it can’t, the system can’t even detect when people are doing unranked to GM. Which shouldn’t be a thing, it’s pretty much saying “Your system is so bad I can make a video showing how I can destroy people wildly under my skill level and you won’t do a thing about it!! Nanananana!!”
  2. Cheating
    Cheating is making a comeback in OW and I believe due to OW2. This game is in maintenance mode so I don’t think whatever system for cheating has been kept up. As even plat games are seeing cheaters recently so more cheats are in and about.
  3. Balance
    It’s been talked to death about, but balance in this game is atrocious. Things that shouldn’t be sat on are months on end in favor of the now in the red League. Things like Sombra buffs that weren’t even that big are immediately taken down because the right people complained about them. Characters that should be toned down get barely anything until the outcry is so loud they are forced to look at it and even then are given the smallest nerf it might as well be nothing.
    Dead by Daylight had a killer (Spirit) somewhat on DF’s level of clearly overtuned to the point red ranks saw nothing but her and she caused plenty of issues in lower ranks. The devs came out and said “Hey yea she’s way overperforming and we’re ontop of that.” They reworked her to be less frustrating, have animation when vaulting a window, and not have speed coming out of phase as she could just collusion collide with a survivor despite being blind in that moment to hit them. But she’s still tough to go against as a survivor which is fine that’s what she’s meant to be. This is what we need in OW not favoritism for certain heroes and further worsening the waning goodwill players already have.

Dead weights/throwers ruin even casual play because the game has no safeguards
Smurfing is cheating and burdening an already bad system
Cheating is on the rise in general
Balance is bad.

of course you will get mental issues when you are not improoving for years, there is no point to keep playing at least in competitive mode my friend. I don’t blame you, I just know how it comes. If you are not working at your self you will not get fun as profit by playing competitive. If you are not working at youself improovement, and just play4fun and just let it go how it is, you will feel all the blame going on you, you will feel smurfs and other stuf, unlike you are actually climbing, you don’t pay attention to all this stuf bc you feel self-identified.

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