Golden Guns are getting OLD

Can something else be added that we can use Competitive Points for? Maybe a new Gun Skin. Or something. Discuss!


The devs think gold guns were a mistake so if they do anything, they would most likely delete them.


KNOW WHAT I WANT. The ability to buy profile icons. I want them to make a bunch more, then I want specific currency that I can earn through QP or Comp, or whatever, so that I can then buy profile icons.

Maybe make some more expensive than others, and they’re like, super cool.


diamond crusted guns

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That’s actually not a bad idea at all.

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No, the developers already admitted that earning Competitive Points in exchange for Golden Guns/Weapon Skins was a mistake, it made people not want to play Competitive to get better and climb the ranks, it made people just play and hope for a win just to get one step closer to there favorite Golden Gun and never play Competitive again.

They aren’t going to add any other rewards for Competitive play in that area, if anything they would probably just make Competitive Points exchangeable for Coins to buy stuff in the Hero Gallery.


Ehhh. I always thought the gold guns were kind of gaudy. Now if they were like a platinum/silver/chrome look? That’d be a different story.

Exchanging CP for coins though? Now THAT I’d be down for.



Event icons involving mei and mercy are about the ONLY things i want…and they re the ONLY things you cant buy and have to rely on RNG for :sob:

also if any other color got added…hopefulyl carbon fiber skin for weapons… wouldnt look as…flashy…as gold

Yeah, like I don’t have a single Reinhardt icon, but I main him…

I say make it where CP can let you purchase event icons and sprays (not skins)

They stated that it was not one of their goals in the immediate future during Seagull’s livestream. Which is sad because they even did an interview a few weeks ago where they were talking about CP.

They don’t think that the gold guns were a mistake, it’s the fact that you can only earn them through comp, so some people only play comp for the guns and not because they want to win


… literally the same thing.

That could have been fixed with a patch at virtually any time, however. So, there is definitely more to the problem than they are willing to admit.

Can we please allow comp points to be earned outside of comp too?

Didn’t they say not to long ago that we would be getting new comp point rewards “soon”?

If I’m being honest I’m just hoping for golden recolors of the classic skins. That would create a “problem” though, in the sense that the golden weapon can be used on all weapons, while the golden skin would only be able to be used ‘with’ the classic skin. (I doubt they would bother adding gold textures to every single skin in the game)

I get the feeling we’ll probably just get another type of weapon skin.

No, because it makes people who don’t want to play comp feel like they’re forced to play a game mode they don’t want to play. The golden guns should be removed from the game, those that have already earned them can keep them.

I was playing tons Overwatch for my beloved For the Horde! icon. I would have gladly spent all my credits for it at the time

How do i link another thread? I posted a very good soultion to this which got zero attention so id like to direct yalls attention to that.