Why not now and wait till people have lost this topic? Oh wait… We both know why

10 games is never enough to be in your real SR.

Try more like 150 or even 250 and then we have a much better number :slight_smile:

last time it was 10 then 20 now 150 and 250 lol

@amaro biggest hater in the thread, just speculating

So wait… This has been going on how long and OP still hasn’t provided any evidence to support their claims?

Is this the case?

If so then, well…


Not only has he not provided any evidence, at one point his alt had less games played than previously…lol. I think one day he had 40 games played on his alt, the next day he only had 20.

Yup exactly, wondering where he got that timemachine thought. Would love one as well.

what else lol. love the speculating when i have the truth

You have the truth? Then post it because all your posts are filled with blatant lies and contradictions.

You have zero truth, all you have is a fantasy story.

imagine being this obsessed on the forums, u dont know my ALT lol.

Imagine having multiple monitors and just casually scrolling trough the forums every now and then.
Think you’ve seen an interesting post and then it turns out to be a lie :wink:


At this point im not going to be shocked in any way when he pulls out the master main and its literally MallSanta lol.

Its pretty much the only thing that would make this topic good. :frowning:

Would you be so kind to share your overbuff profiles for both accounts? Your story seems hard to believe man…

My main ended 1 season master and rest diamond since S6 (plat before).

Alt account ended every season but 1 diamond since i got it in s5.

Smurf account got bronze-mid plat in one sitting with 100% wr.

I seriously doubt any diamond+ player has any problems getting out of gold.

Heck, my main mercy friend master rank hardcarries plat as mccree…

Friday we carried a low diamond game as torb + sym + mercy with the other 3 players tilted on our picks. (I played mercy but i swapped to mccree last round because a teammate complained about heals).

Cool, my friend whos an actual mccree main with being GM s3-s7 got decayed into plat and he still loses games where he has 65-70% participation

the MM is an actual fluke lol

i can jump into a GM account, play whatever for 10 hours and maintain 50% winrate

then i can also hop on gold account and maintain 50% winrate

its so stupid.

But why can’t you post the account to prove it though…



That’s not a thing, if you or your friend are GM and decay to 3k you will still get put in GM games. There’s no way your friend was in a plat game, even more proof that you are lying.

because im smart. lol

i can post it and look like a hero

but i become vulnerable to insane wich hunts

there is no winning scenario for me for posting it

Screenshots of my Other accounts rankups :slight_smile:

master and GM

https:// i /cf706950ffd7b86e60ff861af1cef99e. png
https:// i /4caae52a322dc38cf7045c2618f27714. png

Welp guys I guess we can’t do much about pathological liars:neutral_face:

or u can check the screenshots lol.

@squirrel yes it is

during the hidden SR reset he got placed into 3000, took 1 month break and came back and played in around 2900 SR.

That was in s2 lol and you said he was gm s7. If he decayed he would have placed 4k+ in s8. He must have actually lost all the way down to 3k.

i dont know about s2, he was GM during that time, i think the reset happened somewhere in s6. it happened to me too, i fuked up my placements and got placed diamond, same happened to my friend, fast forward few months we are in plats

Another SS of me playing Ana in GM

https:// i 24c3c78b48e41dc3c8aa55b2cb123553.png

EDIT: it was season 9 when we got placed into diamond.