A change is needed in gold. matchmaking is the worst in this rank. Iv had better games in bronze. blizzard just cant put a team together in this rank. Such bad players in this level they should split gold into two and stop the trash ruining the games
It is important to understand that Gold is the most populated rank in Overwatch (source). So matches can vary greatly. Needless to say, the stats of most players in high silver through platinum are signficantly identical to each other, which is why the bell curve peaks around at 2300. Splitting up ranks/tiers is not likely to make much of a difference.
I’m having a great time in Gold, certainly more fun than Bronze or Silver! Don’t blame your team mates, blame your tilt
Yes Gold is a silly place much like Camelot. I have recently passed through two gold games briefly while doing placements. I was able to dominate the poor players in this rank with Winston, for he is very strong and they could do nothing about it.
It is where everybody starts placements, so I am sorry I had to do this to your fellow golds. I do believe this is why it is no good. People of all skill levels pass through, whether it is rising or falling.
OP is not wrong. In gold everything is just collected. I am currently hovering around 2.3 K and you encounter enemy teams where noone has any mechanical skill and gamesense and you can roll and smoke them even 3v6. Of course than there are people who are really good on their mechanical skills but can not play in a team or contribute to the team enough to climb.
Overall the skill diversity is really huge (MMR system keep it that way). This is why when i was in silver or in plat i had less of the feeling of rolling or being rolled but more even matches. In gold the last 10 matches were either us drivint the payload through (or capturing both 2 CP with 5 min left) and the enemy team not even taking first point or vice versa