Gold Guns for Quick Play

Hey, i like to play quick play and other game modes a lot. Its one of the main modes I play. I get that gold guns have always been a competitive thing (and I have played more competitive for that reason) but I also really like to play other game modes. I wish I could get golden guns from doing that also. Would love to get purple coins for playing that season of quickplay. Maybe a multiplier of the amount of hours played of the quickplay season. If we want to keep competitive at an advantage they can get the same “buff” added to the comp rewards so its always the best way but not the only way.


Idrk my opinion on this anymore… But I think if we were to make them obtainable from other modes, it’d be better to just make them cost like 15k currency or something, which isn’t hard to get but takes time.

I also like the idea of making skins for like 100k that aren’t available in lootboxes and such.

I mean, maybe I’m bias over here with 108k saved lol, but I think it’d be cool to be able to buy a skin for a character I’m dedicated to, to show my dedication.

And I’d be happy if there were more things I could use it for, considering I have nothing I can use it on now. If it were 15k, then I could get like 7 guns?

Hit 2 birds with 1 stone: Make golden guns obtainable outside of comp, and give more things to spend currency on.


Yea I see no reason to not incentivize more playtime for casuals. Casuals are kings

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I think if the added them to qp it would be harsh on people who spent a long time getting them in comp.

I’m all for other rewards being given via qp etc


How about silver guns for quickplay?


I mean, Jeff said a few years ago that part of the reason they dislike the current gold gun system is that they don’t want to force people to play comp for the golden guns if they don’t actually enjoy comp.

I don’t think this would be “harsh” for them considering they will still have all the things they got before, just as everyone else will… it’ll now just be available other ways. And specifically with the way i brought up with currency, they’d still benefit more from playing comp as they would be getting currency and cp at the same time.

Also, I’m in no way saying make it easy or faster to get them other than I guess giving that slight advantage to people in comp I guess. 15k I feel like is a reasonable number, but thats just the number im throwing out there. 15k takes a bit to get.

idk, i think this is perfectly reasonable imo.

I’d be down for more skins in general, but I think this is a less realistic hope considering that’ll actually take time from the art team and such too, rather than just making it purchasable with other forms of currency. I honestly don’t have a strong opinion either way though, its whatever.

I mean it’d be a golden gun recolor essentially. Just drop the color saturation and done.

I could finally stop ruining thousands of competitive matches if they did that, I oppose.

Silver or Bronze guns for the arcade or Quickplay because those are the ranks that seem to have a hard time getting Gold guns which are easy to get if you are a decent player.

Maybe they should add a separate point system for qp. It’s like comp, 15 per win and 5 for draw. I think it will add competitiveness for people who don’t want to worry about SR and ranking up

This to be honest. Golden guns are just a time sink and in no way a marker of skill. I see no problem in extending that time sink to also include QP.


I’m in favor of allowing them to be earned more slowly through QP and/or arcade. I think keeping it at 15 points for a win could work since QP couldn’t benefit from end-of-season rewards so comp would still be the faster way to earn. If that’s too much, they could knock it down to 10 points per win in non-comp modes.


True, I’ve seen people in bronze with golden weapons, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but that’s serious dedication lmao

As someone with 9 gold guns, I wouldn’t mind this at all. I only played comp for gold guns and don’t really care about the grind season to season.


Honestly its just a cosmetic and if comp still gets it faster than qp then it should not be an issue. I have like 6 guns right now and i do not mind if qpers get more. I just want to work towards something while playing with my friends. I can only heal when i play comp with them and want to play other roles so that is where qp comes in handy but i do not want to play it because i want golden guns. I just want to have fun and play w friends while working towards something nice.

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It’s still require art and such, and could have potential problems. We don’t know behind the scenes if there would be potential problems.

This would be fine, but also comp games are quite literally just multiple qp matches outside of koth, the numbers would have to be dif to be fair yk?


A buddy of mine suggested that, for a smaller fee of comp points (or as to this discussion, maybe a 3-4k currency fee), allow a user to mix and match weapons with skins. I.e if one really likes the Balderich Reinhardt skin, but also wants to swing around the Bloodhardt axe instead of a hammer, allow them to after purchasing this option.

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I suggested that we can make them buyable with coins too but at a heavy cost. Like around 30,000 or 50,000 coins.

This would allow you to grind them in any mode but will not be easy to get. In fact I would argue playing comp and getting comp points might be faster.

This would be awesome. There are several skins for characters I don’t use because the gun sucks.

Just add new weapon skins
make some cool thing like Diamond guns for comp but move gold guns to specific heroes
say 5,000 high energy kills or 5,000 graviton surge kills (just an example not saying this
and give each hero a third achievement that rewards you the gold gun.)