Gold Guns for Quick Play

Achievements would be great as well.

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As someone with 13 golden weapons - I approve people being able to buy golden weapons with 50k coins.

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That would be actually unfair, so I donā€™t agree.

it takes you a long time to get gold guns?
I get one a season
yea I grind the game a little more than the next guy but getting 3k comp points isnā€™t really that hard

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How would it be unfair?

Because some people have earned the gold weapons with hundreds of hours playing and wining in comp.
Why should they give them to everyone?
It would be unfair for the people who maybe donā€™t really like how hard is playing comp but they still did it to get the golden guns

No one here is saying people who enjoy QP should just be handed all the golden guns. They would still have to work towards them like the rest of us, seems fair to me.

Comp is only hard if you want to consistently rank up. If you only want your points and donā€™t care about SR itā€™s not hard, just reque and soon enough you will have enough wins.


How about no more bonus golden weapon points for Competitive and all modes reward points on wins? When I play Competitive I want to play with people who are interested in playing Competitive and not trying to get fancy cosmetics


That sounds good to me. I feel like part of the reason the last week of competitive is always bad is that (1) people are meming now and (2) people are meming for golden guns with little care for wins and losses, they just want those purple coins for the end of the season.

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I have 5 goldens and used to play A lot of comp as support. Iā€™m only silver so the wins were not always that easy.

If QP was to get the golden it should be slower as comp you have to play two rounds and QP can be fast.
Often I will back fill and get into s match that close to finishing and sometimes win.

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Competitive isnā€™t a hard mode, itā€™s just a game mode, that competitive crowd likes to play. Just like how casual players like qp and arcade. Nobody has earned the golden guns, they just got them as a by product at the end of every season. I donā€™t want to see people in my ranked games, who just play placements because they ā€œhave toā€, because of this current golden gun system.

Competitive isnā€™t a ā€œhard modeā€ , itā€™s literally placing you to match against similar skilled enemies. Just like QP is doing, but more with MMR not SR

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Not a fan of ranked, I play it but I donā€™t really enjoy the atmosphere.

It would be great to get weapon skins through other modes :slight_smile:

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I would support making it per minute of the game and to get extra on a multiplier for winning.

(Win or lose)
0-2 min = 1 purple
2-4 = 2 purple
5-7 = 3 purple
8-10 =4 purple
11-13= 6 purple

Winning = + 6 purple

Biggest problem with ranked is that it does not let me que with friends.

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