Gold gun skin missing in Overwatch 2

I have lost my Junker Queen golden weapon skin. I had it last week, but now it’s unequipped and locked with my 3k CP still missing. The purchase doesn’t show up on my order history, either.

Yep, just noticed I lost my junker queen gold gun.

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I’m missing my golden gun with Kirko as well :frowning: are there any updates about the issue?

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Missing Kiriko gold weapon here

i open ticket 3 days ago and still nothing…

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I’m missing my kiriko one’s for the second time. it’s a reoccuring bug it seems. Fix your stuff blizzard.


Lost my Sojourn today too

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I have lost both junkerqueen and roadhog

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Lost my solojuin gold gun aswell

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golden weapons for kiriko / soldler: 76 have disappeared

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i just lost my kiriko gold weapons. bought them within the first week of ow2 being out and they suddenly are gone randomly between games
i am very tired of stuff disappearing and being missing from my hero gallery

I lost my Kiriko golden weapon too

I’ve just had my Junker Queen and Kiriko Gold guns returned to me. I think they’re in the process of fixing it for everyone! (:smile:

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@xDjames Lies. How’s did your return my Kiriko gold weapon is still gone

@TophSays I’m not lying. There’s no benefit for me to lie. I’ve wanted these back for as long as anyone else. I checked this morning and both my Junker Queen and Sojourn gold guns have returned. It might just take time for everyone to get them back.

I’m sure yours will be back soon too


Hopefully it won’t take too much longer. Fingers crossed for you. Let’s hope we don’t lose any more moving forward.

Can confirm they seem to be in the process of fixing the issue.

Logged in about 10m ago and my missing JQ and Sojourn are back.

Probably won’t touch the event again, just in case.

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i just got my gold so thay work be patient

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Same. Good to see they’re fixing it :slight_smile:

Lost mine for Junker Queen as well