you mean I don’t want to hear blatantly fallacious replies?
yeah, basically. if a hero is OP, the amount of nerfs they have received in the past is completely irrelevant.
looks like all pro players are bad guys. you heard it here from this mercy main on the forums guys !!11
source not found
source not found v2. also, 1 hero being bad is better for the game than 1 hero being OP. case in point: cancer moth meta. (but oh wait, you’re a mercy main, so that was probably, in your eyes, a very healthy and balanced meta !!)
yes. nerfing the overpowered heroes within a comp is in fact a way to balance the meta. everyone in dive meta conveniently wanted nerfs to tracer and dva
yes. tracer and genji are the worst they have ever been as heroes. so much for “strongest dps have ever been”.
i don’t have to watch streams to know goats is oppressive. goats is played in my games all the time and absolutely dominates. also, the only reason goats isn’t played in low rank is because it’s boring, and you’re never going to have a game in plat where everyone agrees to stop playing DPS (the most popular role in the game) to play the most viable comp. it’s boring, and the only people who will be bothered are the people who care enough. (master+). who actually cares what is run in kow elo anyway… you can play virtually anything in low rank and get away with it.
No. Goats doesnt need to be gone. It should exist as a viable strategy. It should just be toned down to the point that its not a dominant strategy and I think its there now with the exception of maybe 3 or 4 maps.
Best way is to enforce the 2-2-2 role queue, it is extremely difficult for them to get rid of GOATS without overbuffing the DPS. Look what happen to Reaper, lol 50 frikkin percent lifesteal.
I think the stacking of lucio and brigs heal is giving the sustain that keeps goats in power. A global nerf to tanks does not do anything. And all the cc goats has no ffing way that reaper is gonna stay alive let alone counter goats that plan is stupid.
What about tracer and widow last year? They were op. Why didn’t they get 15 nerfs… oh wait -insert skill argument here-
Your arguments all revolve around what pro players think…and I got news…they think brig is fine now
in a 2x2 would you ever really run her?
Why are you bringing up my main? Whether or not I main her if you sit and think for a second what I said, I am right. Im mercy is viable, goats is dead. When mercy was viable goats didn’t exist. When she got nerfed goats arised.
When mercy was trash 2 years ago, triple tank thrived. When she got buffed 3x tank died. Mercy enable dps…… get over it
and what rank would that be? I see you rank shaming with a hidden profile to a previous poster. Overbuff shows goats doesn’t exist to the core player base. I have seen it once in 50 games. High plat low diamond. I see more of your underpowered tracer and genji though…
Forcing 2-2-2 possibly the quickest and main way they can kill Goats. Sure it’ll make odd comps like Triple DPS as we’ve seen rarely and a few other niche comps dead but it may be better than them nerfing the tanks and supports even more. I really would hate to see them nerf something like Rein even more which would cause even less players than now in other ranks to want to play him. If they didn’t want to force 2-2-2 fully they could just limit it to 2 tanks and let the rest of the team pick whatever.
tracer got the pulse nerf and widow got the grapple nerf. that’s all they needed, evidently…
that’s like saying “would you ever run tracer with a solo healer? no, exactly, so she is not OP”. brigitte works with 2 other healers. who knew?!!? it has been like that long before goats was even a thing. she doesn’t need to be good with only one other healer to be OP. her spot in the support category is entirely irrelevant.
you were saying that the ONLY way to nerf goats was to buff mercy. that is a completely different and blatantly false assertion.
actually, triple tank disappeared because ana and dva were nerfed, and that was actually followed by triple dps dive, which conveniently didn’t include mercy at all. know your facts before you make false claims.
big rebuttal
what a low hanging fruit you are attempting to grab onto. also, no one cares that goats isn’t played in plat. that’s because of enjoyment rather than balance. who knew that plats would rather play their preferred role than slack off on brig for some SR…?
yes. tracer is currently at the worst she has ever been, same with genji. that is irrefutable. they both received nerfs after never previously being buffed, and therefore are the worst they have ever been by definition.
Does brig seriously need more nerfs? While I agree she’s had it good in her first year, we don’t need two supports being total trash. Just leave her where she is; why not nerf rein’s shatter or zarya’s bubbles? Leave the supports alone. Brig and mercy have been completely butchered without blizzard making brig even worse
…you know that in pro play, pure GOATS is rapidly reducing in play time, right? A list of variants and other comps that see regular play for you:
SNOATS (Mei GOATS, no D.Va); commonly used on Hanamura A defence, Busan Meka Base, and sometimes on Route 66 A Defence
Mountain GOATS (Winston GOATS, no Rein); pretty much anywhere with high ground
Doom GOATS (no; Again, used pretty much anywhere with high ground, especially HLC attack
Quad DPS (Pharmercy, Hanzo, Widow/Tracer/Sombra, Ashe/McCree/Soldier, Ham/Orisa); Used regularly on attack, specifically payload attacks
BOSS comp (Bastion-Orisa-Sym); HLC defence A, Hanamura defence B, and sometimes A. Requires high ground.
And that’s not counting rarer compositions that also see use. For instance Rein/Winston/Dva double main tank on payload attack, McCree GOATS as an adaptation against Quad DPS, or the Triple DPS comp that swaps a DPS for Ana/Zen, and the Main Tank, rather confusingly for
The current pro meta is not just alive, it’s healthy with variety. GOATS does not need anymore nerfs.
Exactly, so why not nerf the tanks slightly (the armour nerf was a bit much to be fair) or buff the tank busters? Brig’s fine now, if you can call her fine.