Goats is boring

I was excited for OWL season 2 and for the new teams, but if they play goats on every game then I guess I will just watch old VODs of OWL season 1 maybe, Dive was way more fun to watch and play but goats is pretty much hold W and M1 with a little bit of cooldown management.

Please remove goats or ban it during the OWL if you want viewers. Good day.

Well they can’t ban a comp, and they broke goats cuz brig is bad now so… good news I guess?

She isint bad at all in goats btw, people are over exaggerating for her nerfs, in goats she is more of a AOE healer, yes one of her aspects is gone though, which is shield bashing through walls, but it won’t kill goats that easily.

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Any thoughts on Max Role Limits instead of bans?

❌ OWL could disallow GOATs if needed

What? How is brig bad now?

So lemme explain why she is bad

She has no range
She has no damage
She has the worst heals in the game
Her stun sucks now
She can’t counter Rein :frowning:

Saw this post already, and it’s “technically” similar to hero ban, and as they say, they likely won’t be doing it

I think it avoids the problems mentioned by the devs for bans. (I.e. What if Jonak wanted to use Zen, but Zen is banned. )

It’s also easy to code, easy to understand, requires zero interface changes, and I don’t think they can come up with a better option in the next 6 weeks, 2 of which are holiday weeks with greatly reduced staff.

Inspire Cooldown reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second Duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds Total healing increased from 80 to 100

More healing = more Sustainability = more ult charge

Still, just run lucio for AoE healing.

I like Brigitte but was she even suppose to be countering Rein?

I mean… range is not needed for the hero because GOATS is not a ranged comp.

Just because she can’t oneshot combo people anymore does not mean that she has no damage. Her damage is perfectly fair for a support hero.

She definitely does not have the worst heals in the game. Her inspire passive has just been buffed, and her repair pack is still a crazy strong ability on a short CD.

Her stun definitely doesn’t suck now. Stuns are always crazy effective in this game.

By “she can’t counter rein”, do you mean that Reinhardt players finally don’t have to deal with bash shatter from the enemy team with no ounce of counterplay available…?

Brig is still good lol. GOATS will still be the meta, it just won’t be as aggressive as before since you can’t just walk over the enemy Reinhardt as easy as you could before.

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How is goat boring? He’s my favourite overwatch character!

No, the one shot was broken, I agree. But he stun IS still bad, and her damage is bad too.

The only way to stop Goats is to either nerf support or nerf tanks either way its bad for the game. OR they can add more flying heroes but that might even be worse.

PLEASE! No more support nerfs.

As many have said, Brig is fine in GOATs. The changes to her only affect solo queue players. GOATs is nowhere near “broken”.

Thus there is no way to get rid of this comp. This comp is here to stay unless Blizzard wants to anger the community tanks/support.

So if the oneshot combo was broken, how is her stun now bad?

And her damage doesn’t NEED to be good for her to be good. The amount of utility, armor, and healing she provides (in combination with how hard she is to kill) is enough for her to still be a good pick. Her damage was never the reason why she enabled GOATS.

Well, the stun has a 7 second cooldown now. And it doesn’t set her up for anything. What does she do after stun? Just walk away?