Go back to 1 tank

I hope this never happens. I also don’t want single tanks in OW2 either.


I’d quit pvp entirely if this was the case.

There’s too much pressure when solo tanking sometimes. I know pressure creates diamonds, and when it comes to “sink-or-swim” moments, I tend to swim (except for that one time I drowned in the lake lol)…but I don’t need that sort of pressure every single time I wish to queue for the tank role.

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hey, I love 2 play tank!

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Or so we try. Push forward and not get help? You were feeding. Wait for everyone to be ready for an engage? Now you are too passive and not creating any space which is why poor wittle dps are suffering. It is annoying because one tank doesn’t set the tempo, both do. If I want to rush point and our other tank wants to camp choke, guess what half the team does? Thats right, we split and solve nothing. And then since I am aware of it and the other tank isn’t, I conform to their plan. And we sit there, and we sit there. Someone is randomly picked. We regroup. We sit there. We sit there. Last 30 seconds? Let’s push into 6 ultimates!

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Same here, I play in tank duos and it’s some of the most fun I have. Not having the Rein/Zarya kind of game play where tanks play off each other would ruin OW for me.

It’s too bad the game is already mostly there, what with so many players in the Tank queue only there for passes.

Priority Queue is a good tool if Queue times actually bother you. I am absolutely sure that unless you are 4300+ you are not waiting more than 3 minutes in a Priority Queue.

This exactly how I feel about my MonkeyBall comps as well as my Orisa-Rein comps.

It depends on the time of day, region, rank, blah blah blah. But 3 minutes is a very short estimate. What, are you reading the projected time and assume that is accurate? Rofl, no. Absolutely not. Mine are closer to 5 minutes on a good day and 10 minutes when they want to screw me.

Yeah, I don’t ever queue dps but if I’m grouped up with my partner and he uses a pass for dps (and I’m on support/tank), it usually still takes 2 or 3 minutes.

This is QP on console…if he’s alone with a pass it’s 2-3x as long.

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I have queued and am usually under the projected time so yes I am assuming that something that has proven to be accurate time after time after time after time will continue to do so.

The time of day doesnt matter. The day doesnt matter. One time I saw it go up to 4 with priority pass and I have never seen it go higher and I play a LOT of OW (almost have a second gold boarder account).

I’m willing to give solo tanking a shot but devs need to make the proper adjustments, the one’s made the first time were misguided.

Give tanks some measure against being bursted down, like a health gate and some knockback protection and we’re moving the right way.

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I’m a huge skeptic of 1-2-2, but I’d be open to giving it a try.

My biggest fear is it feeling underwhelming due to the lack of 1 extra player in the game at all times. But if it shortens ques and makes games feel less steam-rolly I’m all down

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I will play tank in OW2.
I hope they will be as tanky as they hype them up to be… :muscle: ( :chipmunk: )

Besides balance changes, my biggest concern has always been that it appears pretty split amongst tank players whether they’re open to solo tanking.

Because if we lose half the tank players then the change itself was pointless for queue times. While going solo tank will most certainly lose us tank players, I don’t necessarily think the change would draw in fresh blood…but maybe I’m wrong.

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Oh, yeah, I have not tested too much with qp. My mind defaulted to comp.

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Yeah go to 1/3/2 but we would need a lot of changes.
Tanks would need a huge buffs and Support would need to have better self defense.
And lastly - nerf DPS.


And you would think QP matchmaking would be faster anyways. Could be PS4 is less active though.

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I am ps4 myself. I would need to ask my homie, he queues for qp. Maybe those times are closer to 2 to 3. I just hate the idea of waiting longer than the length of the actual match, so I STEER CLEAR.

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Lol I would not play OW if I wanted to play dps heroes.

Just having to wait 2 or 3 minutes here or there is annoying!

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