GM1 end of season but got Master rewards?

Tell me you didn’t read anything I said without actually telling me.

Or better yet, tell me you didn’t actually bother to look up anything about this issue.

That is a terrible design.

Am i the only one who hasn’t had their rewards fixed? I finished in GM and got master rewards, ton of friends who had theirs fixed but mine hasnt been yet… anyone else?


i finished master, but didnt received any competitive points or title. at all, 0. Dou you know if this has been solved? It´s been a long time already…

Not sure if you remember me, but I was having issues with getting an account to rank up. Ironically, now that you are having issues, mine are fixed. Ever since the season 3 2nd patch, my account has been able to climb again. Moral of the story is, stop playing Overwatch, its going to die. Not only is it a buggy mess, with almost no balance patches mid season, we arn’t getting pve (3 missions every 6 months for $15), they are bring back the slow/cc meta just like in OW1. Now the majority of player base sees that the game is going to die in the EXACT SAME way ow1 did, and my que times went from 2 minutes to 20 minutes. Congrats, blizzard, you’ve killed it twice.