GM Samito gets grouped with GOLD player

This was for groups though. There’s no restriction on solo matchmaking. If the queues are getting too long it’ll throw anyone together. In the last few seasons of OW1 I would see teams with bronze and plat together. It wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it is now though as back then the bronze players at least knew what they were supposed to do, they just weren’t great at executing it. Now there’s players who literally have heroes locked and might be playing them for the first time ever, in competitive.

Another one of these threads filled with damage control gaslighters coming up with myths such as “if you have good stats you’ll be ok”, something that keeps getting parroted without any evidence

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Here’s a quirky idea; why not give players the option and reward patience.
Yeah, sure, I’ll wait 30 mins for a game since I can chuck Civ5 up on the side. I don’t mind extended wait times when I’m soloing, but I do when I’m with friends. That’s a personal thing that Blizzard couldn’t micro-manage for. There’s no algorithm to optimise for that.

Let me choose the SR-range I’d like to work within, and show me stats on how much that usually affects queues. Create a long-queue option, where I’m guaranteed a game at 20-minutes, at a decided time, instead of just ticking-up a number.

I’d rather a 20-minute queue where I’m guaranteed a game at that time than a 14-minute queue where I’m left wondering and waiting. Humans don’t like uncertainty.


Wow, this explains me vsing Plat and Diamond in my Silver lobbies. lol