GM main tank talks about why he quit overwatch

Well that sounds pretty good. I’m down for this lol.

This is the kind of change I feel is necessary to make more people happy without actually changing gameplay. It would encourage people to perform at their best without punishing others harshly for their teammates mistakes. The problem lies in what kind of gameplay do you reward?
Once you reveal the mechanics people will game the system.

Yup sounds good to me. Definitely a step in the right direction.

This has always been the issue with MMR and ELO systems, btw. The systems are run like and based on a system that was originally invented to help place and keep track of the scores of chess players. The key difference is chess is a 1v1 environment.

Now, This actually CAN be adapted to team sports to some extent, for example American Football. The teams mostly stay the same with small changes, so you in a sense can sort of treat the whole team like it’s a single person, and any changes that are made are still a part of that same team.

This works for E-sports too. No matter what you change out, it’s still that team, and it’s still an accurate judge of how good that specific team is. tracking it as if it was an individual.

Where the system starts to fail is in games like League of Legends or Overwatch, where it’s judging each individual based on a team that is literally just thrown together at random every single match. That WILL NOT ever give you a completely accurate measure. UNLESS you’re so good you can carry the worse players on your teams, which is less and less a thing. The issue there being you carried those worse players up with you…

They really are not. Just played five matches of QP, in literally each match we had a level 5-10 player, no stars, either absolutely trolling (no way they could be new and sorted with my account’s skill SR) or absolutely stomping. One match we had a doomfist stomping the enemy, the other match they had a winston smurf that was creaming everyone on my team, it goes on and on and in the end my contribution is meaningless. I hate this game now because the matches are constantly unbalanced, I literally just want to play with and against people at my skill level and I literally never get to. It’s a waste of time, and every time I try and play it again it only takes me a few games to give up for another few days because it sucks that bad and is that demoralizing an experience. That’s not a good game.

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Yeah, but as I’ve said that doesn’t make any sense.

You have six people on a team. If any of them can pop off and decide the match for your team, it means that most matches will be decided because you had a teammate carry. There are five teammates that can do it, and you’re all supposed to be the same skill level, so each of them should in principle have the same chance of doing it as you. And having one role that decided the game would suck for the other roles, so hopefully everyone would have the same power to carry. You can see how that wouldn’t work.

To say nothing of having a player on the other team pop off and carry into your team.

I think there’s a difference between having someone smurf stomp and having characters with high skill ceilings that give you opportunities to be clever and use them in smart ways without necessarily bumping you up in a skill bracket - and I also think it’s important to note that it’s not something that you can ‘feel’ in Overwatch anymore, not since they added Moira / Brig / Doomfist.

For instance - in the past, you could work hard and git good at say Ana or Tracer or Hanzo, and you would be able to ‘carry’ matches - within your bracket! - but you would ‘feel’ distinctly that you had done an exceptionally good job because you were very good at that hero.

These days, there are so many counters to the counters to the counters that honestly it’s a perpetually moving battle, and it is contingent on so many more things now that it feels less and less like you, your skill, your contribution, matters.

Add in that there are more smurf accounts than ever before - just time alone means there’s been time to accrue them - and you have problem after problem adding up to the sensation that you as a player have no carry opportunity.

Does that make sense? I tried to articulate it because I do feel like it’s just not ‘the same’ but I don’t want to sound like one of those old man yells at cloud things. I also don’t dislike adding new heroes, it’s just like… the reality? of what they added?

Yeah, this is more reasonable. I think maybe the difference is that it used to feel more like what mattered is how you play, and now it feels like it matters more who you play.

do you know rein is lacking and all the other tanks dont? …

They can attack while shielding, if rein was able to attack while using his barrier like the other tanks, he jump to the viable meta again, after all he is using only a single arm to handle his shield, why he cant attack with the other one? as any other medieval weapon like the mallet and shield used by knights in the old times? maybe an slightly slow attack and reduced aoe to balance it. but for sure he can be meta again, since he can work like a siege/agressive tank and can defend himself from reaper, mei and DF, not to fully beat/counter them, but at least to give them a little of fight.

The fact you just used Chro and Iostux as examples of the best players in the game is extremely amusing

I’ve been playing tank for a while now, and i’m practically done playing.

I used them as examples because they are the only two gm players I know that advocate not joining voice com.

And Iostux is the best overwatch coach imo. Idk why mentioning him would be amusing to you.

Chro also got to GM just playing junkrat. Which is pretty good.

So you just proved that these guys you’re quoting are the exceptions and not the rule.

We’re talking about society. Not people intentionally trying to reject that society.

Iostux is an okay coach, hes kind of a massive meme in tier 3 tho lmao

I understand why you picked chro now tho.

There are quite a few others too, NoHearU, scars, sequence, jacklz, and ofc we have the random smurfs that dont join chat and consistently pop off in 4.3k+ lobbies

This doesnt just apply to GMs tho, im using GMs because thats where you have named players that show up in lobbies over and over again, a 3300 player can carry a 3300 lobby without being in voice

  1. Judge people by talking to them individually, not collectively, grandpa.


Because some of his tips are questionable and he back in the day he was kind of trash

Recently he tried a publicity stunt with his own top tier project team, and it didnt work out so great.

He’s for sure better than 95% of coaches out there (after all, he DID coach Uprising Acad and XL2) but he gets memed on a lot for his past actions

He should either become a widow main or just continue on his way out the door. OW was designed as a game where relying on your teammates is a core part of the gameplay and design. If the player doesn’t like that, then this may not be the game for them. To me, it’s like saying “I don’t like playing Football because there’s no hoops to toss the ball into.” I mean duh, because football is a completely different game with a different set of rules. It wasn’t designed to be played with hoops. And if you wanted to play football with hoops then you’d have to rework the original game to the point that you may as well be inventing something new. Hopefully people understand my point…

Well anyway, I hope this guy finds a game that’s better suited for him.

remember kids dont be like darth winston

Remember kids don’t enjoy teamwork? Lol

We were talking about Japanese society, not Japanese individuals, little boy.