Glorious REINHARDT/Tank Specialist (Plat) 🛡

Rich I can’t always do those times, but If I can I’ll hit you up first!

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Just to confirm, you play from 1:20 PM EST to 4:00 PM EST? I’m almost never on at those times, but if you’re looking for positive, non-toxic, non-throwing people for your friends list then shoot me a reply here, and I’ll toss ya an invite. Keep it up RichC!

I’m always looking for those kinds of people on my friendslist!

I’m a support main who plays just as much Hanzo who’d be more than happy to heal you. I can play all of them, some better than others and I normally duo who flex’s but really likes support and tank. We got your back!

We don’t comp much but were always down for some fun.

After my hand heals I was a victim of packaging and mistakes were made.

My name on PC is Caliginous#11116