Glad Genji got buffed so he can get nerfed to F Tier like D.Va for a year <3

Genji was meta for half of S4 and half of S5. Afterward he got replaced with 76 or widow at least 50% of the time.

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Never thought was “F-Tier”, lol.
She was much weaker then her state before, but this one was also busted.

Maye she needs a little buff, nothing crazy. Something about her being more tanky. Maybe more amor.
But no higher DMG output or higher mobility (lower booster cooldown) - this would just make her, once again, a pain in the apple.

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Actually, you’re the one lying. The couple of weeks she had 3 second boosters she was playable, not meta. And for the entire year since 2-2-2 she’s been F tier. As for goats, she was not the defining character, goats was about running 3 tanks in general and she was often swapped for other tanks. She’s never, in the history of overwatch, made other tanks completely unplayable the way this YEAR LONG DOUBLER META has done.

Fact. She was the 2nd highest picked tank.
Fact. There were only 2 off tanks with any pick rates whatsoever (her and Zarya).
Fact. DVA was meta.
Fact. DVA had those boosters for 2 months not “a couple of weeks”

All 4 of those are easily verifiable. They are facts. Your claim that she was not meta does not hold water. Also your own words contradict each other (viable hero cannot be F-tier). Basically your argument is filled with untrue statements and outright contradictions.

Key word, “was.” Stop looking in the past, look at the present. :woman_facepalming:

2 months? Not true, 3 weeks isn’t 2 months.

D.Va was meta? Ok. Rein was meta, winston was meta? What’s diff?


Fact, blocks half the damage on average she did when she was a good tank.
Fact, blocks a third as much damage as any barrier tank.
Fact, does a third as much damage as any other tank.
Fact, the cutesy tank that mains have been banned from playing for an entire year cause the devs literally hate her and regret creating her, will always lead to far higher pickrate than justified cause we’re masochists and really want to play her as soon as you give her a minor buff that doesn’t change the fundamental numbers.
Fact, pickrate is actually 100% irrelevant for hero strength, the numbers above are what counts. People do pick weak heroes all the time. There’s a reason Rein has always been chosen, but is not OP. He plays the role of a tank well and other tanks need to be buffed to his level, but he’s not OP just because we pick him so often because there’s no other options.


I am replying to someone who said “she was not meta” and that “she was barely viable” (while also claiming she was F-tier). Her actual status back then is sort of relevant.

Should she be buffed now? Sure, but that was not the topic being replied to. The topic being replied to someone falsely claiming she was not meta, but somehow F-tier.

Everything you just said suggests you do not know how to play DVA. The fact that you are even comparing her to a barrier tank is sort of weird because they are fundamentally different things.

First, in GM you pick what is meta. If a hero is weak, they have a low pick rate. If a hero is strong (such as DVA was) they have a high pick rate. If you want a simple way of knowing if something is strong look at how the pick rate adjusts (Genji went from around 1% to 8-9% in the past 2 weeks due to his buffs with the max being 16.66% and I honestly think that number is shorting it). I picked her over Zarya and won with her because she was strong, not because I “like playing her” (honestly I could not stand it). I played her because it gave the team the best chance to win and win we did.

For damage, she does about middle of the road damage. She does not reach Zarya or Sigma, but should outdamage Rein/Ball/Winston and be around where a Orisa is in terms of damage. So to say she does 1/3 is hyperbolic nonsense. NONE of the tanks do 1/3 the damage of another tank (Winston and Ball do the least damage but it is not by some drastic margin).

Once again your post is filled with a bunch of provably false claims that do not stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever. Do you just enjoy being wrong or do you honestly think that a false victim complex is the way to argue for something?

Fact: literally had bottom 3 pickrate as A TANK before the booster buff . Considering there are half as many tanks as dps this shouldn’t happen. Considering the number of heroes in each roles the sheer amount of dps makes the bottom of the barrel bound to be dps. And considering how much each role effects the other having a tank as bad as creates more problems than others simply because there is a bigger funnel on tank synergies because of how little tanks there are.

Its not because tanks are more or less important than dps its just simply the numbers of the lower population effects the higher populated role.

Fact: being meta doesn’t matter in the slightest as meta is not strength. Bad heroes can be meta if they fill a particular job. Old Bastion and Torb had spurts of metas albeit brief does that mean they where not flawed or otherwise useless?

Fact: What really matters is the reasoning for comp to be used in the first place. And some times it is not the popular things that cause the issues or the heroes showing up on the pickrates. Sometimes its not the heroes showing up that matter for why things be popular. The meta is about more than just the 6 heroes in the most common team comp.

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Yes DVA was bad before the booster buff thus why the booster buff made her meta. She did not fit particularly well into the comp and she did not have as good of synergy as Zarya but she was meta because the difference between 3 seconds and 5 was huge.

Sometimes a hero is so strong that you build the meta around them (double sniper and Rein/Zarya was built around Hanzo being so insane that only a Widow could fight him and that he worked great with Zarya). Sometimes a hero is so strong that while the meta does not favor them and they do not shift it, they are slotted into it anyway and they are just played in it (see Widow in late dive, DVA earlier this year, and Genji right now).

I was okay with the 3 second boosters making DVA meta. I did not enjoy DVA but I hated playing as her less with her mobility.

You guys really gotta stop using the word “Fact:”, you clearly don’t know what it means.

Oh boy is this off. You don’t pick heroes because of strength you pick them because you have a specific idea in mind and you need them to fill out a team comp. Why do Zarya and rise and fall? Its not about them but more about the heroes who are seeing play than them. Let me put it this way does it really matter if Zarya is better than individually if the rest of the meta is anti-Zarya? and Zarya are one hero out of 6 on the roster there strength only gets them so far. how they faire against the other 5 teammates of the opposing side is where edges are made.

She was literally dropping back on her own before the nerf. The buff was greatly exaggerated in the first place. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want 3 second boosters back I want an actual fix rather than the booster buff band aid but it wasn’t that big of a change and still got rolled back.

I was more or less parodying the structure that Devils used. And I don’t think that strength means what you seem to be implying it does. You don’t pick heroes because they are strong you pick them because they fit your team idea. Being picked doesn’t mean your kit is in a good spot. See the numerous times Bastion has seen increases in play (yes these times have existed and will exist again).

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D.Va has never ever ever ever EVER outdamaged rein. And she never ever will. Are we playing the same game? Are you sure you’re not mistaking her for a nanoboosted maintank dva from season 3?:thinking:

Anyways, you say damage blocked and damage done are not good measures of tank strength or lack thereof. This must be that famous “feeling based” balance philosophy that Jeff said they take more into account than stats. What exactly measures her strength then? How often she kisses the noses of her enemies and does less damage than a punch just before losing mech?

Her mobility only allowed her to run away from her trash balance stat every three seconds. It allowed her to get her overnerfed DM into position to delete something every three seconds. But the actual measure of how effective she was at her job and how much value she contributes? Average damage blocked (which is after you boost into position) and average damage done (which is also after you boost into position).

Hammond has infinite mobility. A feature that is dumb and would need to be deleted if he was actually played more in lower ranks and more effective. There was no reason for not to have 3 second boosters. It at least allowed her to chase down op movement abilities like doom and ball and deal with them.

But the actual effectiveness as a tank? So little damage and so little damage blocked that a shield would still have been better. And when they took away the bandaid solution that hid the fact that she’s weak by allowing her to run more often and give space like an anti-tank? We got double barrier again, resuming the year of the double barrier. The year blizzard killed the entire tank role and by extension the entire game, all because they couldn’t allow her to be playable even if she was objectively doing far less than any other tank if you look at actual stats of what she does in game.

She is literally averaging more damage per match then Rein currently, both across the ladder and in GM.

She ALWAYS averages more damage then Rein. Take off your biased blinders and check some stats, because you keep posting nonsense.

At high ranks “your team idea” is usually the strongest comp made up of the strongest heroes. People aren’t running Rein-Sig-Orisa & Genji nonstop in GM because it’s fun, they are doing it because it gives them the best shot at winning.

That’s literal nonsense. She never has and she never will.

Well, I’ve got Overbuff stats that says she does and you’ve got your feels.

I’m gonna trust the stats, but you do you.

There is a single ability that has that makes this extremly complicated: self destruct. It has by far the most damage of any single ability in the entire game and can hit multiple things at the same time. Does that mean they hit something or did it explode on a barrier and do nothing?

Rein has those numbers doing normal fight to fight things.’s numbers have spikes because of the fact it is a nuke.


Overbuff only counts those who show their profiles. Private profiles are widespread and so those stats are unreliable. Ask your dva next time how much damage she did and then ask rein.

The only way she can outdamage rein is with emp and getting massive combo ults. That’s not a measure of how strong rein or dva are. I’m a 1000 hour dva main. Even in her best days, she did not beat rein in damage done on average.

Amazing how many inconsistencies? (don’t even know what to say those “wishes” are) on 2 sentences:

  • Dva was never F Tier for a year
  • Genji will never be F Tier for a year
  • Genji is not going to get nerfed, only some things will be reverted possibly


This is absolutely true, but overdamage doesn’t count. I highly doubt Bomb is accounting for more then 1k of her damage in GM, but there’s no way to get an exact number.

Sample sizes and polling are a thing. Overbuff has beyond enough data to extrapolate averages do to how statistics work. It was PROVEN that the swap to private profiles did not have a significant effect on the numbers it returned.

But lemme get this straight… you don’t think Overbuff gets enough information to trust and call it “unreliable,” but you are making statements on here of absolute certainty and calling statistics “nonsense” based on the sample size of your memory of your matches?!