In the upcoming patch, Ana’s sleep dart has less of a duration when used on a tank. They should do something similar for Zen’s discord orb. Make the increased damage of the orb less significant on tanks compared to other roles.
How about 30% less negative status effects, from all negative status effects.
Which would make it easier to balance Sombra.
That’s a good idea. They could just work it into the tank role passive.
Yeah, let’s make tanks impossible to kill.
Tanks already have many resistances to damage, ult charge, can’t boop them off map, and have already got a huge buff against sleep.
I mean why next patch we do not reduce all dmg toward tanks by 50%. They are TANKS, right? They should tank dmg. No buff is too much I guess.
Is this a joke? Tanks are already too strong.
zen is the worst pick on supports rn behind lucio… pls dont dumpster him more than he already is.
Wow, what an actual smart way to turn around an absolutely dumb change from the devs. Actually no sarcasm here. I still think Discord orb should get a CD of some kind but yeah, making it less potent on tanks specifically nearly solves it’s problem whilst still letting Zen fend people off when they dive him.