Give us a less masculine male hero. Please. (Also the meka squad šŸ¤– )

Iā€™ve been wanting a skinny, young, male hero for 3 years now. But Blizzard apparently doesnā€™t know how to do male body types other than ā€œripped AFā€. :/ Baptiste was such a disappointment. Wow, another super muscular male hero. What a rare sight.

I wish that boy from the first cinematic trailer was a hero. He would have been a better Doomfist than the Doomfist we actually got.


Baptiste is a little meh, but Iā€™m happy that he broke the trend of male supports only being tiny twinks

I think disliking Baptiste is a bit of a disservice to the hardworking artists behind Overwatch? He isnā€™t a bad hero. I mean he does add body-type variety to supports.

If anything, just add Casino from team MEKA. He looks like a DPS/Tank hero.


Momma Hong!!!


This should also be a thing, i approve wholeheartedly.


Doomfist is trying so hard to be like Rein. Even takes his shirt off to show it.

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It is but if using a workaround to get the same results in strength ie machinery works-I see no reason not to. After all itā€™s the results that matter, not the effort to get them.

Preach! I would love to se an introverted male character (but not like Genji whoā€™s like ā€œcoolā€ introverted like some emo teenager). A shy man, but really passionate about his science or whatever his thing is. Sensitive and always kindā€¦ Something in terms of Newt Scamander character.
Something super positive for men to look up to, wihtout the macho bull we already have too much!


This is a legit true observation across all their games. For the life of me i was sitting here for minutes trying to think of a character design they did that isnā€™t buffed af and couldnā€™t think of anything except Murlocks.

About that, they have a rule or policy to not have a playable character under 18 (unless theyā€™re a robot or hamster)

Animal, not hamster. But I get your point.

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They specified Hamster because Hammond is 14 and Winston is 29.

So you will probably never see Efi/Timmy/Brian/Alejandra ever. Likewise, Overlord is probably 18 years old if heā€™s the young one on the squad.

I think that the Meka squad heroes are good charaters, but there are some problems with adding them, first off Dva is 19 and thats as about as yound as overwatch can go, with Overlord looking about 14, also there Mekas all (at last check) at taler then Dvaā€™s (who is on of the tallest tanks) and they would step on dvaā€™s toes in gameplay. but i still want them