Give Symmetra her photon barrier back

Good luck not dying in that 7.1 seconds

The shield would have to replace an ability, and I sure wouldn’t give up the teleporter or turrets for it.

I want my shield back Blizzard, I finally got used to blocking flash bangs, D.Va bombs, Junkrat Mines, Sleep darts and Anti-Nades AND YOU REMOVE IT. Can I enjoy anything i’m good at? Mercy is gone and now Sym? All I have left is Moira, Mei, and Ana.

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Asked for it too, silence, it’s either revert primary Fire or replace with Shield

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or revert everything :wink:

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Well, i have a team of 5 people backing me up.
And making that time less than 4 seconds.

NO she doesn’t need it, it is now ultimate, you don’t have to get close to the enemy since she can now throw sentries plus you can use TP as escape tool, LEARN to position yourself some heroes doesn’t have mobility or escape tool but they can still can do their job.

Sentries that are easily breakable, can be destroyed in mid-air AND take a while to set up after they land?

You can’t. When you use TP you need to aim it, place it, wait the animation to end, then press a key to use it. Those seconds add up, and if you are already getting jumped, by the time you can use the TP you died. TP is not an escape tool.

And don’t say “set it up before” because it will vanish and still be on CD, without counting the time to set it up again. All mobility abilities in this game are instant, except for this one apparently.

Thing is, heroes with no mobility are LONG RANGED. Ana? Sniper. Zen? Long-range Orbs. Mccree? Hitscan pistol. Bastion? his whole kit plus a self-heal.

Sym’s supposed to be a DPS but she can’t deal damage outside of her turrets because Orbs are easy to miss and slow, and her primary fire is short, weak, and take 84 years to ramp up, and now that you have 0 Defensive Abilities or Escapes, you will die before it can ramp up.


7,1 seconds of standing literally right in front of the entire enemy team,

id rather take double that from range

im up for this

atleast she had a higher winrate before and a bigger pickrate

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i could say the same thing with bastion and junkrat so!

As a person who doesn’t play Sym and is only on the receiving end, I can safely say that Sym 3.0 is actually a threat unlike the other Sym variation.

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No? 12 meters away, behind a wall, behind a rein, etc.
You don’t just stand still in the open…

she has a even better photon barrier now :smiley: and since symm has the fastest chargign ult in the game it’s not like u don’t not have it every main fight.

Do people realize that Reins don’t like standing too close to other Reins because they might get charged? (Especially when it favors one Rein when the wall is very close).

No one is going to put themselves at risk to optimize a Symmetra.

there are two kind of people: those who know how to play symmetra, and those who keep asking for changes.

The fact she’s designed as melee (and always has been) with 200hp is just stupid. Having her Photon Barrier back is not going to save her (it’ll help, but it won’t make her viable). Still, despite her flaws, I like the idea of her being melee range with a 12m beam, but she’s going to need the missing piece of her kit to make it work. Which is either a passive ability to somehow increase her bulk OR just more max bulk.

imo she could use a passive that gives her a reason to use her primary fire over her alt fire. Like she replenishes her shields by 12hps when she attacks enemies and 6hps when she attacks barriers/shields. If that’s not enough, give her 125hp/100 shields for her max bulk. In the end, she gains more staying power but still dies easily to burst damage.

As a side note, I think her sentries’ beams should also be 12m. They may as well make the beams uniform and +2m isn’t going to suddenly make her 3 sentries game-breaking.

12m is not even CLOSE to melee by a blind point of view. 12m is enough ot keep a safe distance from roughly any hero except Mei and perhaps Junkrat. And her primry fire is not her primary source of damage, thats why they made her turrets so easier to deploy and her secondary fire faster and with splash damage. Her primary fire is designed to me a slow dive-breaker, to shatter barriers alongside your team, to punish badly-positioned tanks, not to go 1x1 with a Reinhard, Winstom or a Dva, but to be defensive.

In a game where plenty of heroes have infinite range to throw their damage, yes dear, 12m is melee (technically close-mid range, still melee since characters can move at 5.5mps/6mps or more).

Her old niche wasn’t viable. Her new niche isn’t viable as it should be, but now she’s viable (not top tier, just viable) on Defense regardless of rank… So it’s still an upgrade. Now she just needs more.

Also, her primary fire is OK (it’s like she’s a reverse Genji; primary up close, alt fire for distance). It’s just OK. It should be more than OK given how she lacks true mobility/bulk of a close range character… But it can be considered 100% fine + balanced if she gains another part for her kit (new passive/more bulk/etc).

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