Give Symmetra her photon barrier back

I don’t understand where you’re going with this? can you explain what you mean instead of repeating yourself? This thread is about Sym, not other heroes.

I…I think this is the forum post that broke me.

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Dude… shes’s got self-regenerating shields as a DPS… come on man…

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Well yeah but she should be able to function for more then 3 seconds without needing a constant mercy pocket.
She should be able to stand her ground for extended periods of time.
Like solider or Mei.
They can often do their own thing without needing too much attention.

You stated that dps heroes, namely symmetra, should be able to attack the enemy team without needing a support nor a tank, at close range.

If the dps heroes doesn’t require healing, nor shielding, what would be the point of having a healer or a tank?

They only regenerate when she hasn’t taken damage after 3 seconds so

Again, Symmetra could do that. Other heroes do need support and shields too.

But she should’t.

Not when they buffed her damage as much as they did.

That’s not it.
Symmetra used to be one of those heroes that needed less support attention then other heroes like say McCree or Genji.
Now she has to be incredibly team reliant, but she doesn’t have the means to back it up.
Shes a glass cannon without the cannon.


in order to deal that much damage you’re going to need perfect accuracy (which is impossible.) Besides, Sym 2.0’s damage was less than 3.0’s so I don’t know why you had a problem with it.

Regardless, we aren’t asking for game breaking buffs.
She’s currently underperforming.
So, I suggest 250 hp, a longer ult up time, faster charging ramp (by like a second), and a wider tp area/faster tp set up time.
These changes address her role as a damage character, giving her more survivability, and making the teleporter a reliable escape.
Edit: If you disagree to my proposed changes, please point out which ones you have a problem with and explain why.

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I like your changes but I disagree with her staying as a DPS. I’d also rather have old TP back, it helped get your team ready for a push.

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As much as I miss sym 2.0, I feel like I’d have more success proposing changes to current sym.
after all, we know blizz doesn’t do reverts…

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True, while I know it won’t ever happen it can’t hurt to try right?

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cries in mercy main


Both junk and bastion, the games shieldbreakers, can do that from the safety of range

So can orisa

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sobs in Indian architecture of hard light


Exactly… just replace her primary with photon barrier because that thing is useless anyway.

She doesn’t need it.

Her Teleport allows her to get behind the enemy.
That, combined with stacking her turrets make her a forced to be reckoned with.

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So, you need to adjust every other heroes damage based on accuracy then.