Give Symmetra her photon barrier back

It was her only survivability and how she could get close enough to engage the enemy.

Now she has to run straight at the enemy with 0 protection with her tiny laser that needs 4 seconds of 100% accuracy to do decent damage.

Symmetra is garbage tier because she lacks any survivability, give her back her photon barrier and she won’t be a complete joke of a hero.


You dont have to go near. Her primary is useless


No? Now she teleports in and out of fights.

It’s quite easy to hit a reinhardt shield at 12 meters range.





The tp is literally copy and paste code from Reaper and look how well that works midfight.


Because he can just push a button and teleport back out again?
He can cancel his teleporting?
He can take other players with him?



And why doesn’t she have teammates?

  1. Literally counterintuitive to how her beam works since its 10 seconds max and destructible - you’re screwed if someone kills it.

  2. Sure she can cancel it. At the cost of being completely vulnerable and unthreatening for x seconds.

  3. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. People use her tp? People still don’t even have interact bound! Let alone people refuse to use it as a protest against Symmetra even if it means dying at the Volskaya choke.

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yea maybe in your games… not in my experience.

start being more friendly to your teammates and explain them the flank.

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At 10 seconds you will already have full charge on your primary. At which point you don’t want to get out.

Why would she be vulnerable when she is far away from the enemy team??

That’s their problem.

I am perfectly friendly. People who play Symmetra should not be held to a different standard on pain of having their games sabotaged just because this toxic community has a bug up their collective butts the size of an emu about Symmetra.

She didn’t need to teleporter in and out before this rework though, she could actually stay in the fight. I don’t want to have to retreat to my teleporter (which I don’t use) everytime I’m low on health. Her personal barrier allowed her to defend herself without her teammates.


I don’t want to retreat with Guardian angle / dash / blink / fade / insert mobility abillity, every time i am low on health!

I’d like to ask you this, what Sym 3.0 ability allows her to defend herself without having to retreat?

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Let me ask you this.
What doomfist abillity allows her to defend herself without having to retreat?
(or mercy, hanzo, widow, reaper, zenyatta)

Doomfist has his passive, Hanzo just deals mass damage, Widow has her poison mine and machine gun for close range, Reaper has his passive ability (gets health when dealing damage) and his fade, and Zen is the only one that can’t defend himself. You still didn’t answer my question though…

Edit: Also, how many hours have you played Symmetra? (Both 2.0 and 3.0)

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Her m1 is useless outside of shooting barriers/dva, just spam m2 from distance (and even at close range) it’s much better.

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Hanzo’s dps is 125, syms is 180… Why is this an option for him and not her?

Every one of those characters has a way to sustain themselves, or a reliable escape.
Symmetra has a teleporter that has a lengthy setup time.
It’s not even remotely similar.
With mercy, you press a button and fly away.
With tracer, you press a button a couple times and you can be up to 21 meters away.
Genji’s dash can go any direction.
Fade doesn’t show you where the Moira went, and she’s invincible while fading.
Symmetra doesn’t have the damage to make up for having such a low health pool, with no way to either sustain herself, or escape reliably.
Especially since you have to be within 12 meters and have decent tracking.
She needs either a stronger primary (maybe piercing shields/enemies on lvl 3) or 250 hp.

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Hanzo can headshot.
Sym can’t.

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Hanzo can be far away while attacking, while Symmetra needs to be close to her targets in order to attack them.
Edit: Again, still not answering my question…

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