Give symetra a portal gun

Portal gun = fun for the whole family. Just rebalance around that. This ends my rework. Thank you


I’m not normally for reworks…

But I do like this. And with the way Sym is used, this makes more sense than I wish to admit.


Holy crap that sounds cool, blizzard better do this if they want Sym to stay in DPS.


Especially since she’s currently used for teleporting. Might as well as make her entire kit reflect that. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d actually like to see them make a support with enough utility to not need to heal again. But I don’t care as long as portal gun


I’d be fine if they allowed Symmetra to use TP in a way where she can fire through one side at the enemies near the other. Obviously only she can see and fire at the enemies on the other side to keep it fair (No need for a Widow who can further suppress enemy movements)

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I need to say portal made me super dizzy

But I’m all about this

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it would already be extremely intuitive to allow Symmetra to display the destination in the TP.

we definitely want to see some progress on the TP before any other buffs, it’s too accessory as kit.

This would be an amazing ability for Symmetra. I want this so bad.

Someone should try making this in the Workshop.

Either that’d need to be a lot of utility, or they’d need to reduce healing output across the board.

I like the idea but in reality a portal gun needs quite a bit of limitations, the first one that comes to mind is for the gun to be strictly Melee, like, she would need to literally punch a wall in order to place a portal, the reason being that a ranged portal gun would make flanking routes incredibly crazy

next would be a range limitation of the portals themselves, sym could literally place a portal next to her spawn connected to the enemy spawn which is just insane albeit a bit useless which is a great segway into another counter point

Trolling, this happened with old sym and would most definitely happen with a portal gun, portals on map boundaries or stuff like illios’ well inside, not to mention that the original portal gun preserved momentum which is a whole different monster and which I hope they wouldn’t keep

Map Geometry is another problem as well but it might be solved by the skill being melee ranged but then this completely erases turret bomb strats, so it’s a pretty hefty price to pay

All in all I think this is what blizz would focus sym on if they were to go through with another rework, hell, a support sym would be awesome with a portal gun and less dmg plus healing, I’ll take that any day but the limitations outlined here are mostly food for thought

This already exists or it existed when the workshop was relatively new, ask around in the right forum and people can give you a code, those games were fun but just unrealistically broken

This would have to be her Ultimate. It’s way too strong for a regular ability

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probably not ult because while powerful, the application of it needs to be a tad more frequent than an ult but perhaps the mercy treatment where it has a hefty cooldown plus since I would hope they keep it destroyable, the cd could be frozen until one side is destroyed by either sym or the enemy, making it possibly the longest cd on an ability in the game at that point

I love the idea of throw down a portal that’ll let you shoot through it for like 10 seconds.

Or doing portal trampoline jumps

What if she could be the only one to shoot through her own TP? And not just TP Bomb… But it could still be a straight line through the portal. It’s not much but it could take ppl by surprise

I think there’s a way to do it if she could Still either raise EFFECTIVE hp of her teammates without actually healing. Or if she could like help her whole team avoid a metric ton of damage with this Or like, a lot of shield gen or something. It could work. But one of those should be available as often as healing is to healers (basically always).

I am calling Aperture Science

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I don’t think it has to be her ultimate if she’s a support

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She’s already full of Portal references, they might as well just give her the legitimate portal gun lol

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It’s honestly not that different than what she has now, assuming it has a range/cooldown restriction that is similar.

You’d still be relying on people to take the teleporter… except now you are restricted to walls? Sounds worse.