Give sym a glock

This is what she needs to be viable.

Sym 4.0 would replace the secondary fire with a hitscan pistol. It fires ~12 shots a second from her 70 ammo pool. In addition if you melee while firing you’ll be able to pistol whip an enemy for 75 damage. You can also choose to fire it sideways, which gives sym 5 shields for every bullet hit, because firing gangsta style gives her coolness protection points.

Her new weapon would look like this

This will make sym be able to skillfully defend herself from flankers as well as increasing her survability, two things she is currently poor at.

Give sym a glock.


Glove. You misspelled glove. She needs a golden glove.


Her secondary fire is the only good consistant damage right now if anything change primary fire.

So her secondary weapon would be better than Sombra’s
primary (and only) weapon.


You mispelled ‘Glock that is also a glove and a bottle opener’. Don’t worry though. It’s an easy mistake to make.


A glock is utilitarian and fugly. She deserves a better looking sidearm.

You’re right! She needs the doomfist gauntlet!


Wow wonderful modeling skills.

or let her have at least 4 turrets on her CD, I’m ok with only three being deployed, but you corner snag one and you are locked to a long cd of being useless… or let her pick her turrets back up to replace the charge.

Ehh, give sym one of those vulcan cannons that they put in the warthogs.

If sym power creeps sombra then give sombra two glocks.


So 24 rounds per second and 140 rounds total? My accuracy in my last 3 games was 37, 43 and 49%, with that kind of damage potential I’d decimate everything, there is no way Sombra should be able to put out that kind of damage. She’s not that kind of hero.

*Infinity Gauntlet


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They might as well give Symmetra a hitscan gun and while her right click remains the same. This game isn’t meant for what she has to offer because the developers are incapable of perfecting it. They need to give her cybernetic hand some sort of telekinesis ability or levitate enemies. Overall Reaper needs an right click ability.

sandy what the hell . hahaha lol . u realy want this gold glove and gold into baaad. ur in every symm post talking about this! well power to u . keep up the good work . any symm talk is good talk





Then just one glock.


I clicked the picture and busted out laughing.

I was expecting an actual new gun and stuff idk. I’m in a weird mood.

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That would be pretty close to my suggestion of 25rps and 75 rounds. I often fall just short of securing a solo elim on some targets, that would do it for me.

How about sombra’s machine pistol but it looks like it’s made out of hard light instead?

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