Give sym a glock

How about instead, when Symmetra uses LMB, lasers fire out in every single possible direction? Same with RMB. She just becomes a literal archon that burns everything around her, allies included. Beware of the 180 dps aura!


12 shots? What is this 1912? Give her a beretta M9A3 that has like 17 shots.


*chainsaw. She deserves a chainsaw.

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Reverse Transcendence?

Symmetra is VERY viable now.

In fact, she can melt GOATS in seconds and is a very hard counter to it.

After the repeated defeats of the trio Seagull-Emongg-Dafran at the hands of the trio Stevoo-Kolorblind-EvilToaster (as Symmetra-Bastion-Orisa), the pros are already using this formation (known as BOSS) to very efectively counter it - see the Contenders’ match between Atl Academy and First Generation.

Fact is, GOATS is countered hard by BOSS.

Atl Academy vs First Generation

So I suggest you get better at Symmetra and see what she can do.

You do realize this isn’t a serious post, right?

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Cant wait for this change to be on PTR in 2020 and then live in 2040


I mean, she already strolls into combat in heels and a dress, might as well give her a glock too.

Make her turrets mounted glocks, too. That’d be the best. Get to close and get blasted.


Would spend 3k on it 10/10. But only if she can pistol whip with it. Imagine the voice line possibilities.

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She needs range. Give her an M1 Garand.

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Flashbacks of COD WaW, The Garand was my weapon of choice.

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I never played COD WaW. The earliest I jumped on board was COD 3.

A really BIG glock


Now we’re talkin…

Glocks are lame. Give her a Hi-power

give sombra hardballer with silencer.

You’ve thought of everything! <3


Ooh cool points

Lvl three makes any enemy she’s pointing at drop to their knees with their hands over their head

You should try microwaving a Roadhog while he desperately tries to heal himself to see how satisfying it is.

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I am laughing so hard at the thought of symetra pointing a glock towards my head.