Give Nano/Blade the Grav/Dragon treatment

Genji needed consistent damage to not be a troll pick, but his ult in combination with nano is too consistent of a team wipe. I think the best way to deal with this is to give Genji’s blade the Hanzo-treatment. Make it so you cannot powerboost it with any abilities. When Grav/Dragon was too strong they did the same thing, why is nanoblade any different? You cannot balance a heroes regular kit if his ult is broken. Hanzo is perfectly viable still… Genji’s regular damage SHOULD be consistent and I hope they don’t touch it, but his ult is too strong.


I’ve been saying this for a while now before experimental changes went through and right before I joined the forums to voice my opinion on it.

Yes nanoblade has remained of basically the same since they removed the speed boost from nano but with genji’s buffed kit and excellent 1v1 capabilities he does not need the ability to team wipe as easily as he does now. It kills under trans it kills weak people under sound barrier other defensive measures do not stack up that well against nanoblade entirely.

this is the exact change that needs to go through remove the damage amp on the alt even buff the duration of blade back to 8 seconds how it was on launch if it is that lackluster of an all on its own and I really don’t think it is


Did they remove the ability to boost the dragons with ANY damage boost (aka Nano, Supercharger) or was it just with Mercy’s damage boost?
Would kinda make sense because the other two are ultimates, Mercy’s damage boost is always available with no resource cost.

All damage boosts do not apply to Dragonstrike. Including ults.


Speaking of, anyone know why hanzo got storm arrows buffed or was it just for the sake of it

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To compete with the astronomically buffed hitscan heroes like Ashe and McCree.


and if possible please nerf his ult gain, because due to the new damage he charges too fast

why not actually nerf them tho

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hey, they are blizzard…

they needs 6 months to fix a problem.

But it still sort of makes sense in the sense that Hanzo “spawns” the dragons.

Targeted damage boost doesn’t affect spawned items, such Symmetra turrets or Torb’s baby. That said, I think it does affect Junkrat’s trap.

Regardless, it makes sense to make Dragons an exception. Less so for Dragonblade.

I think they should try nerfing its ability to be damage amped first. I think regular damage on blade is MUCH more manageable than the damage amped version. Nanoblade currently is basically a one shot kill. You are essentially banking on the genji missing the dash or being hit by a grav/shatter by a TON of CC to survive. It is not easy to CC an ulting nanoblade, and most times he gets kills anyways.

i meant increase the ult charge required to get the ultimate in the first place, his damage got buffed a lot so it charges up fast

Ah yes, next patch: Echo buffed, we felt like genji was doing too good of a job and wanted to bring the flankers at the same power level. This will ensure that echo retains her identity as a flanker.

1 month later after the patch goes live

Genji buffed : We’re looking to strengthen Genji’s combat effectiveness to help solidify his viability as a mobile burst-damage hero as echo was doing a great job



I know, I was essentially saying I think they should not do that nerf without first testing how strong genji would be without damage amp.

Idk I see dragon strike more as a projectile-style beam. Regardless, the devs have no reason to need to be super strict on how they apply damage-boost if it benefits the balance of the game. The only other option is to give blade a flat damage nerf, but that would make nlade without nano garbage tier.

sure, just give him CC resistance in dragonblade and 50% movespeed

and remove damage boost

Absolutely not, that would be unbelievably broken. Blade does plenty of damage without nano. He already gets a movement speed increase in blade, he most definitely does not need another one. He needs absolutely no buffs alongside this nerf.


I’m down. It would address the main issue people have with it and would be a cool consistency between the shimadas.

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lol if he cant be damageboosted without compesation then there no point in even using your ult unless its grav blade

even then i rather use my shuriken than my 120 dps blade

since shuriken dps are actually alot stronger if u can aim, 180 dps if u land all in 1 sec, 360 if headshot

the only advantages arer cleave damage

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Blade is still extremely useful without buffs lol. Easily can finish off a wounded team, wipes in combo with other ults, ect. On top of that genji is now consistantly performing well enough that he doesnt need such a strong ult. His ult will still be good.


I can’t wait for a single Reaper pellet do do 87 damage in 2028.


as i said i dont see any point to use ult if he cant be damage boosted

it just lower his dps by half, while make him close range character

it also makes u venurable because 1 sec cast time, and u are most of time in enemy teritory

just try play genji and try not asking for nano / boost in comp, lets see how much u drop lol

even 200 hp hero that get healed by moira will out heal blade, or solo healed by ana nade + primary fire

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