Give Mercy Invulnerability?

She used to have that, and that only got her a terrible mess of a rework that the devs are too incompetent (maybe also lazy) to fix. Plus Baptiste is already annoying enough with his ability to make an entire team invulnerable, do you really want to add MORE invulnerabilities into the game? Screw that noise, the game’s enough of a mess as-is.


Or oooooor hear me out. We leave valk as is and give her back 60 non valk healing. Omg what a novel idea. Good job me

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So this is how out of touch some of the Mercy mains…

It remind me the dark time of the prime Moth meta.

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This is what broke her in the first place, and it rewarded god awful mercys doing brainless plays. It should NEVER come back in any capacity.

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Nah, i’m good luv, enjoy.

using the term selected in the statement quoted above, then, what then are the needs of the many many players who currently enjoy playing Mercy in her current state?

Is the unhappy group, who is (as all players are) only guarenteed access to the game and the characters within the game as Blizzard defines them to be, more important than the group currently happy with Mercy?

I am well aware of the existence of every character in the game, as well as the role they occupy

The purchase of a game license gives one access to the game and to characters as Blizzard defines them to be. If a player doesnt enjoy playing character x, they have their choice of 2 dozen other characters to choose from. Blizzard doesn’t say “you can only play support” or “you can only play main healer” - a player can choose any character in any role in any game in the standard games (ie not LFG necessarily, not Mystery heroes, and so forth). If a player chooses to not Play Mercy, the other characters are (if not yet selected) fully available

I’ve made that effort: The Dodo Compromise Mercy Rework v2

False, what broke Mercy was the Mass Res + Invul combo. Prior to invul being added she was a troll pick. Without Mass Res I see invul as no issue as Mass Res and Invul go hand in hand together, coexisting with the other is what made it OP. Take out Mass Res, its not OP anymore just like she was prior to invul.

Then I refer to my previous comment

Either way, it is a bad idea

I know of nothing in Mercy’s lore or kit that makes invulnerability a good match


Invulnerability would probably be better for an ultimate. I’d personally like for it to replace Valk and have it so Mercy has about 5-8 seconds of invulnerability if solo (if it we went like TF2’s Medic where the healer and target are invulnerable, than I’d say 5 seconds max).

If you want Mercy to have invulnerability as an ability instead of an ult, I think you’d have to sacrifice rez.

who are you addressing in this post?

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the fact that she is dubbed as a Guardian Angel, I would say invulnerability would fit an “Angel” more so than Baptiste.

cosmetics dont require balance

powers/abilities do

in any case, temporary invulnerability makes much more sense (to me) for tanks, like Zarya’s bubble


Mercy really just doesn’t need a third ability let alone it be invul. A good mercy is already hard to kill. If you have good positioning and know how to use her GA correctly you shouldn’t need invul to survive. Plus I don’t really see any reason why she needs a third ability tbh

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That because soldier is DPS, he engage danger, he mostly in the frontline.
Mercy behind her teammate, she avoid any contact with enemy so it make sense that she has less disengage and engage abilities than soldier

Your idea is about as good as making Pharah invulnerable to damage and CC while ulting. So yeah, hard pass.

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Yes, I think? I mean, people say Valk feels like spectator cam because it does several things:
Her chain beams take away her decision making so you don’t have to beam swap, you just hold down M1 on the person in the middle of the team.
GA speed is actually more sluggish and predictable in Valk than out of it, so its not encouraged to be used.
And they say it has no burst impact.

Adding the AoE heal upon activation gives it burst impact (I tried a version like this in the Workshop and it felt super great to use), making her main beam heal more and chains heal less encourages beam juggling and active decision making, and shortening the duration but buffing the GA speed makes it feel more fast paced and fluid.

That’s the way I thought of it, at least.

Yes, so if someone was 30% health Mercy would heal them for 25% more, but as soon as they reached 51% health she would do her standard 50 HPS.

No because she was balanced before invuln, because all she needed was her 60 HPS (which she got), her 3->1 regen buff. All that made her balanced, while she had mass-rez.

It’d be really cool to just make her invincible the whole time, as a passive!

What a great way to balance this hero!


I don’t think there’s any justifiable reason for her to have invincibility with her current kit. As it’s been mentioned already, buffing an already balanced hero would only overtune her and we would be right back to where we were when they added invincibility to Mass Rez, pre-rework.