using the term selected in the statement quoted above, then, what then are the needs of the many many players who currently enjoy playing Mercy in her current state?
Is the unhappy group, who is (as all players are) only guarenteed access to the game and the characters within the game as Blizzard defines them to be, more important than the group currently happy with Mercy?

For your information there’s only a few main healers to choose from
I am well aware of the existence of every character in the game, as well as the role they occupy

if they prefer playing a main support role. Using your ‘apparent logic’, would you say that the rework was a ‘want’ too then (disheartening to play against was one of the top reasons)? Choosing another hero or game isn’t a solution, it’s just another way of saying ‘get good and adapt’ which doesn’t resolve anything for those many who are dissatisfied.
The purchase of a game license gives one access to the game and to characters as Blizzard defines them to be. If a player doesnt enjoy playing character x, they have their choice of 2 dozen other characters to choose from. Blizzard doesn’t say “you can only play support” or “you can only play main healer” - a player can choose any character in any role in any game in the standard games (ie not LFG necessarily, not Mystery heroes, and so forth). If a player chooses to not Play Mercy, the other characters are (if not yet selected) fully available

Instead of constantly being against each other like two camps, there should be an attempt at trying to find a solution that many on both sides would be okay with.
I’ve made that effort: The Dodo Compromise Mercy Rework v2