I think something that would make Mercy fun to play again for majority of the Mercy community is a third ability. I miss Mercy’s invulnerability during her prime, it was so visually pleasing so I think if they added that to her kit, it would be kinda cool.
Obviously, if she did get that added as an ability it would be the same thing as Reapers wraith form, and that she wouldn’t be able to use any of her other abilities (except for GA & maaaaybe Valkyrie) while invulnerability is active, meaning she will NOT be allowed to use her Ressurect.
I really like the idea of giving the ANGEL, Mercy, an invulnerability ability because it goes well with her lore, and her kit and because it could also save her in tight-situation fights where maybe your team is scattered all over the place and you (the Mercy player) find yourself just a few meters away from being able to GA to the closest ally and because of that, you’re dead.
The ability should be on a 15 second cooldown with a 3 second duration. The only purpose of this ability is for her staying alive just a bit longer during those clustered, close-up team fights where you are really at risk of getting hooked / head shotted.
Let me know what yall think, and feel free to add some changes.
I feel like it could also be used for stalling more
If you buff an already well balanced hero it becomes overtuned.
I agree but to be honest, if it doesnt correspond with Ressurect and its on a long cooldown w a short duration and is solely used for saving herself, I dont see how it could be game breaking.
… I already have to deal with zarya shields, immortality fields and healthpacks. I would really love to not have another skill deny me that last box of health as she runs away.
She’s already the slipperiest Support, she absolutely doesn’t need invulnerability.
but compared to those other abilities, this idea will only have a short duration of 3 seconds, i’m even okay with 2 seconds and isnt used to prevent anyone elses death except for the Mercy for a liiiitle bit of time.
As a Mercy Main, I think this is a bad idea, sorry .
care to explain why? i would like some feedback instead of you just thinking its a bad idea. thanks
agreed - hard no on this one
if Baptiste has an immortality field, which is strange because it doesnt fit his background / character, that is on a 20 second cooldown and lasts 6?? seconds i believe that can also prevent TEAM wipes, why is it a bad idea to give an ANGEL a 15 second cooldown 3 second duration invulnerability to just stall / save HERSELF?
Mercy isnt an angel.
She is a doctor, a human being.
Yeah because doctors and regular human beings can resurrect people…
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The statement I replied to indicated (gist, not a quote) that Mercy is an angel
Where would the keybind even go?
Mercy already has more abilities than most heroes - two primary weapon functions, a secondary weapon, an LShift, an E, a Q, two passives (regeneration and slowfall), and melee. She also uses crouch tactically more than other heroes.
The interact button?
I mean she does refer to herself as a Guardian Angel, she has wings and can fly & she can Ressurect…
I stand by what I said, with nothing to add
Because she already has super mobility, invulnerability would break her…
I dont know about PC ( console player here ) but I would bind it with L3.
Her mass rez become a problem because of invulnerability… do you try to make them rework her again?