Give Mei OW2 Changes Now

She is insanely powerful and can provide insane team value barring a competent enemy hitscan.

It’s just that hitscan have dominated the game for so long everyone has forgotten.

Except us tank players…

trapping someone in front of wall, especially a tank, keeping them from their team is seriously one of the best isolation methods you can do.

Mei now gets a frost grenade that instantly freezes the target

I don’t know how to word this without sounding like a jerk, but…you know you do not need to a post thread for every thought you have? It’s okay to sit on your thoughts for a bit before posting so you can make more reasonable reasons for your thoughts and proposals. You don’t need to post it immediately. I feel like this was made out of frustration.

“Literally”. No. It is not.

I feel like you have valid criticisms of Mei’s freeze and I am on board with bringing OW2 changes. But I just don’t think you made coherent or logical arguments here for that. It’s okay to just let it be a standalone ability and be bad. It is unlike flashbang or any other stun - but it is bad and I am for it being removed.

Two things can be separately bad. Flashbang and Shield Bash are poop. So is Mei’s freeze. They are different but still bad.

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It’s just that she is a pushover to anyone who can coordinate and she is on the wrong role, being the most terrible at what she is supposed to do there (damage)

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I play and hate Mei but until there is only 1 tank heroes like her and Hanzo are a necessary evil. It is important to have options when another role is farming you rather than just die.

Hog and maybe Hammond. Nobody else. Just counter-pick, that’s the point of the game. There’s nothing worse about her M1 than any other stun in the game and has mountains more counter-play.

If you’re just going to feed; that’s your choice, not the hero’s fault.

Mei is a hard counter for Ball, j/s.

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Not just Ball, but Hog and Rein too. She can also poise serious issues for Sig and Zarya. Her engagements with Winston are also tilted in her favor.

Overall she fairs well against the tank roster thanks to her excessive CC, which is kind of the point of the OP. It’s excessive. Too excessive.

But nobody talks about this or complains about it except tank mains. And you wonder why there’s so few of us left…:roll_eyes:


I don’t know why, but tank mains on this forum act very entitled.
(It’s great entertainment though.)

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I main tank (mostly for the queue times), and Mei’s one of the ‘looks like I’m getting a break this game’ heroes.

Double-shield forces the enemy team to make-up for her utter lack of damage. The moment you pick their other DPS, you’ve basically won. Just make sure to not feed the Zarya they’ll inevitably bring and you’re easy.

It forces the Mei to be hyper-aggressive to do anything and completely gimps her ability to generate ult. It makes her highly punishable, to the point where it’s usually just ‘push, wall, break wall, Cryo, isolate’.

Mei is one of my primary DPS heroes and against incompetent Tanks, yeah you’re going to freeze a lot of them, but when playing against people who are somewhat competent, her freeze really isn’t that prominent

Her strength lies from her wall, her freeze is merely to disable trapped hero’s out of their defensive abilities, you trap a Reinhardt and you freeze him to stop his shield from being up, etc.

Freeze alone is merely a small part and that’s why I’m honestly not bothered that it’s being removed, but your reasoning for it is weak and it’s clearly a case of “I got outplayed by a Mei then proceeded to outplay other people with her”

Also as a sidenote, Mei struggles against Winston/Dva because her walls aren’t very effective, this is why Mei only gets used in shield metas because shield tanks aren’t able to escape her wall AND her wall gives her shield tanks time to recharge their shields

Right now though, Mei doesn’t need a nerf, nor a buff, I think she’s in a good place

Oh no, people swapped to Mei to counter tanks she sorta counters. The horror. She must be OP. :roll_eyes:

I’ve gone and played with flashbang and shield bash on no CD in a custom game. You can literally block someone in a constant stunlock indefinitely. There’s no escape chances, no reloading, no un-stun and have to start up. But literally locked in place.

That is not at all the same thing as Mei’s freeze. Your claim is disingenuous and wrong. It’s like saying “Bastion deals out over 400DPS. if he has LoS, you’re instantly dead!” Or that “Mercy has unlimited healing on no cooldown!”

It’s just not how that works, and anyone suggesting so is bending events to fit a narrative.