Give me ONE solid reason WHY Mercy shouldn't be changed

She does need a change.

Mercy and Ana need to have their own individual niche. Skill should not be a factor. You don’t just play widowmaker because you’re good at her, you have to actually need her tool set and that’s how it should be for every hero. Right now Mercy and Ana have the exact same niche and the only difference is Ana’s potential is higher.

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I wasn’t able to find any actual numbers is the issue. I went based off of the accounts of multiple other people. I honestly wouldn’t be able to say because I played her religiously back then. Supposedly she was seen on both teams in multiple situations, and whoever decided not to have a Mercy would lose. I do need some actual numbers, so please feel free to give me some if you have any.

My opinion is I want her changed but not in the same way as most have offered.

Resurrect is a terrible ability and does not deserve to be an ability or an ultimate it deserves to be a memory.

Making her healing go back up to 60 HPS because of the removal of Resurrect and that is pretty much it.

This is the petty side of me but when people want a more “engaging” or “interaction” I wanna make the idea that they rework Mercy’s beams to where you have to actually aim them. I don’t think anyone plays Mercy for engaging gameplay I find that to be a myth.

I played her today in mystery heroes and had a blast. I just had to hustle a little more.

The first part I agree with. Blizz clearly doesn’t know how to balance it, and her 50HPS is absolute garbage. And the issue with reworking her beams like that is that Mercy players would then lose focus on their other job, which is tracking ultimates and abilities from the enemy. If they did do something like that, I would prefer if she had at least a little bit of freedom to look around.

Mercy shouldn’t receive any nerfs or buffs…

She should be reworked (after other heroes who need it are finished) I personally think mercy could be a strong pick if Rez was removed completely and Valkyrie was rebalanced with a new ‘e’ ability.

Mercy only felt boring and unimpactful once Rez was nerfed that she had a cast time in Valkyrie and no bonus charge. This ruined her impact completely (almost) and made her the dull hero she is because her kit contradicts itself and she is no longer fluid.

Mercy could be fluid if a new ability that made a supportive play. I like the idea of giving a hero invun for 1 second. This would obviously have a short cast time but while in Valkyrie is can be removed. I don’t think this ability would break her again because it’s 1 second and only one charge on a average cooldown.

Mercy will continue to feel bad until Rez is removed so she can have impact again

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It wouldn’t be like Symmetra’s beam but the idea that you can turn your back to the person you are healing removes the idea of “interaction” when everything is being done for you. Honestly though that part wasn’t 100% serious it’s just my petty attitude coming out when I see that kind of post.

Edit: I guess in a way it COULD be like Symmetra’s old beam.

The only real numbers I can give you are tournament statistics highlighting how f-tier she was. Here you go:

Season 3:
I’ll add more when I find more.

I suppose that makes sense. I personally like to be able to look behind if I think I hear someone sneaking into the backlines, and if I’m checking to see if anyone else on the team needs more healing than my current target. Ya know, that sort of thing.
I don’t see why typical Mercy mains would be upset with that opinion, though. A lot of them actually would prefer the 60HPS and removal of Rez.

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I’ve seen the season 3 statistics and yeah… They were pretty sad. But this was before they added invuln.

It usually stems when I tell them that I think Valk is perfectly fine for what it is and is better than Mass Res ever was or could be.

Ehh, I do slightly disagree with that. But I do think that Valk could be balanced in order to become similarly impactful.

Hmhmhm. Still, I wouldn’t say that she was overpowered. Otherwise she would’ve seen way more play time in tournaments. This isn’t the only tournament showing low Mercy pickrates. In fact, most tournaments only ever use a Mercy to, guess what? Pocket a Pharah. It’s obvious that even they know how much of a niche mass Resurrect was. It was the easiest thing to counter (counter=negate the effects of the ultimate). Any team with semi-decent ult made Mercy’s ultimate obsolete.

This is true. I’m also not very sure what rank/s her supposed “must pick” status was even in.

Low ranks. She becomes less picked as you go down the ranks. (Before rework) That is pretty natural for a low skill floor hero like Mercy.

That is mostly my bias talking for my hate of an ability to reverse death. The idea of an ability or ultimate you can only use after you lose a fight is never going to sit well with me.

To my knowledge that is the only ultimate or ability that is only useful after you lose a fight and there should never be an ability directly tied to wanting allies to get killed.

While that does make sense, I have also seen claims that she was commonly used in diamond and above as well. I kind of want to stay neutral in this argument because there aren’t a lot of numbers for either side.

I mean, she was the only main healer at the time besides Ana. Ana got nerfed some while back during the existence of mass Resurrect. Ofc, Mercy’s pickrate will naturally rise. That doesn’t make her OP though. Just means that Nana got overnerfed.

Ah, yeah… A lot of people are split on that. I personally don’t have any issues with the idea, but this is also my first fps. And only, I don’t like playing fps games in general.

That’s also true. I wasn’t able to see any claims that Mercy was a must pick before the Ana nerf.

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