Give me ONE solid reason WHY Mercy shouldn't be changed

I personally think she should be changed as she is almost an off healer due to her bad healing output.

(if you can respect my opinion, i’ll respect yours, feel free to discuss)


Sombra. She is underpowered while requiring massive skill.


I really don’t think her nerf to healing was needed at all. Even with that, I’m pretty sure Ana will still be the dominant healer in higher levels because of her buff to nano boost.


Correct me if I’m misunderstanding but is your reply saying that Mercy is along the same lines as Sombra in that Mercy is also underpowered while requiring massive skill? Because as a Mercy player I find this very incorrect.


I was talking about Sombra, not Mercy. Sorry for the confusion.

This thread is about Mercy, there are other threads out there about Sombra.


Thanks for the correction, now I’m also unsure as to how that relates to the topic xd

because she is balanced and is the best healer from bronze to plat (85% of the players)

while ana is better above that, so i don’t think mercy should be changed


Agreed. Mercy is finally balanced, and the meta doesn’t revolve around her anymore.


Because they probably don’t have any better ideas for her.


I meant it as an argument to why Mercy shouldn‘t be changed. It‘s effectively classified yet I would suggest playing with a custom lenk rad for maximum effectiveness.

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The forums are filled with Mercy rework ideas, even the #1 post is an amazing Mercy rework idea.

So , you’re saying that she should be only used in Bronze to Plat , but should never see playtime in Diamond-GM? Or did I get it wrong?


I think that pre-rework Mercy was very OP. Like, immensely OP.
If Im gonna give 1 reason as to why she shouldnt be reverted, its because the easiest hero in the game should not be one of the strongest.
I say shes the easiest because while her skill ceiling is decently high, her skill floor is EXTREMELY low. I dont think such a low skill hero should be very high impact


LOL, no. She is the second worst healer in those ranks, check the stats.


In general, I think the stance from developers in the industry is that players are great at identifying issues, but poor at identifying solutions.

Just because those ideas sound good doesn’t mean they are.


no you can play her there if you want to

but ana is better due to her skill ceiling while mercy is better on lower ranks because of her skill floor


I agree, old ressurect had no counterplay and didn’t require LoS so it’s safe to say that it was a little OP.

I asked for a change, not a revert. And she’s definitely not the easiest but she should have at least some impact imo. Nobody wants her broken again.

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Give me One reason to your argument that Mercy was OP pre-rework.
I don’t say she must be reverted. Just asking for argument.
So what was OP:
1.Ultimate that brings every hero from the dead just to reset the fight?
2.Healing that was balanced?
3.The no Utility besides her Ultimate?
4.The damage boost?
5.The mobility?

If she was OP she was going to be the most played healer in the higher ranks , yet Ana was as regularly seen if not more used than Mercy.

Maybe the Invulnerability should have never existed and something else should have been given on it’s place.


Anything that has no counterplay is considered OP. The only counterplay to old Resurrect was to either kill or hack Mercy.

Ana was just a much better option in higher ranks as she provided burst healing, a sleep dart and an antiheal debuff, which is super powerful. Old mercy just flew around and healed or damage boosted allies. Although damage boost is pretty powerful and impactful, Mercy’s old kit wasn’t better than what Ana could provide.