because that’s a stupid design
why should mercy dominate everywhere? moira is better on tight deathball comps and tight maps like kings row while ana is better on open long range maps like numbani yet mercy was still being picked everywhere and beating them in their own niche
Flashbacks to the beyblade meta where ana dominated.
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She probably should be changed, but only once other heroes have been looked into who have been waiting patiently for a long time.
I’d prefer:
Increase HPS to 55
Remove chain from valk, increase hps/damage boost while in valk mode
Remove Res from E, add HOT/damage reduction ability to E
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Given that mercy is in a state of extremely good balance just insanely unfun, i doubt she actually needs a rework over many other heroes anytime soon if ever
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that wasn’t because of ana’s core kit itself, it was lucio paired with reaper as well.
it was nano being broken, speed increase was too much especially when you pair it to lucio speed boost. wasn’t long before it got nerfed
while mercy dominated herself
She should be changed.
First she is a SINGLE TARGET support so remove any and all chain beams.
Next ressurect must go. I am over it at this point dont care about reverts or readjusting it in her kit. Remove it. Done!
Also Valkyrie must go. There is no reason for her to be flying when she has guardian angel plus the added angel hop. Remove it. Done!
Now then, 60hps is returned.
Give her a skill shot ability on E that allows her to protect a teammate from damage and CC (considering all the stuns and such). I cant think of a fancy name or how it works but if you want to keep her angelic motif then allow her to actually provide some protective abilities.
As for her ultimate, to keep in line with protecting, give her an ult that extends to her whole team like Ressurect used to do. Maybe a super powered version of the E ability similarly to how Sombra has single target hack and EMP full team hack. In this case she can protect her team from damage and CC for a short period of time after casting her ult.
For the diehards you can even recyle her rez animation and voiceline to keep most of her icon qualities. She just raises her hand and her team is engulfed in the yellow light, maybe halos are over their heads or they just glow a slight yellow for the duration of her ult.
I’m all out of solid ideas so this is quite the vague solution I know but Ressurect and Valkyrie are abilities that are far more problematic to her character than anything else. She is still the gaurdian angel healer that watches over the team with her bare bones kit. Lets just treat the cancer that are the tumors that has caused her current sickness and continues to infect the game and community.
The end.
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I’m currently “out of likes” for the day but I support this.
Amazing concept!
Also I’m curious on what are your thoughts on mass rez?
I liked it, a great ult for a hero that can only do one thing at a time. Horrible idea to give her invulnerability instead damage reduction. No clue why ALL supports had LOS on their ults but not Mercy and no clue why they didnt try that before this abomination of a rework.
Very much unsure why rez wasn’t given a small cast window. Most of her players didnt risk more than 1 or 3 players to revive before invul so with a cast after invul it would at least kept them in the 1 to 3 man rez window. With the current CC meta mass rez with a cast would have been kept in check.
… but you know its disheartening when a support protects their team and all. You can keep them from dying at a snails pace but bringing them back is just too much to handle. Nevermind a peaceful monk being allowed to negate death altogether and having 2 means of counter play, booping him away (off map) or anti-nade.
Yeah I am now just tired of the debate and want something refreshing for her kit to be fluid and smooth, fun and balanced for everyone so we can just move on from this.
finally other supports can be played besides mercy…
Enter: Moira
-higher healing average
-requires about as much skill
I mean hey.
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Its interesting but I’m not interested in fixing Valkyrie. It was a beta tested ult that was scraped but for whatever reason the devs somehow shoehorned it into the game.
Sure she is balanced no argument but if she isnt fun to play what is the point? If they can rework because she was disheartening to play against then she can be equally reworked for being disheartening to play.
Guess it’s up to the devs but they are likely keeping this form of her and the Mercy debate will continue right along with their stubbornness.
I’d like Mercy 1.0 but with tweaks, call it a Mercy 1.6.
People complain about no counterplay?
- LoS implemented
- 1s cast time
Reason: Allows a window of time to stop the ult; just look at Lucios. Rewards Mercy players that time it and position themselves great. High risk high reward, you know ever since CC got more prevalent.
Now res is on an ult again, the E should be her Valk but watered down; just flying only since (also a little bias cuz thats the only part of her ult that i like); like flying for 3s for 15scd or a short damage reduction. I honestly do not know what else her E should be because her kit should just be simple but reliant on the players game sense for it to be effective.
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you have not played mercy back then… if you really think 1sec cast time and LOS would be working with mass rez.
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I think she’s underpowered to be honest. She has the lowest win rate of any support, and lowest/second lowest in diamond-gm. She also has a lower healing average than Moira in every rank other than bronze and silver. My issue with that is that Mercy is a pure healer. If a dps/support hybrid is healing more than her, something is wrong.
I had 150+ hours on old Mercy. Yes, it would work. You can’t even pull off the “hide and rez” playstyle with LoS and cast time because you’d get killed as soon as you’d start casting your ult.
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I started the game since around June or July 2016 dude and I have played as and against Mercy back then. Also, stuff has changed significantly back then, its not the same game as it was before.
We have more CC now; Brigitte, Doomfist, Sombra heck, Hammonds ult is a good way to counter Mercy since she cant fly in anymore or she’ll die.
LoS means she cant hide and rez; hide behind a wall safely and press Q, she needs to be in danger and be aware of her surroundings.
LoS benefits; Imagine Mercy flying in and she gets blocked off by a Mei wall. Previously, if shes still near, she can rez. But with LoS, she cant.
So I dont really see much of a problem since it gives:
- High risk, high reward ult
- Gives Mercy players when is the best time to ult and think more since they can easily be stopped with CC and her ult cant be refunded anymore.
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there is a reason they gave her invincibility… she would die everytime after rezzing… you can rez 5 ppl and that wouldnt mean anything if you die.
Yep I am in agreement, however the devs have shown with their actions (or lack thereof), that they want her in this abysmal state considering. They don’t care and no matter how we feel or what we think nothing will change until they “feel” like she’s in a bad spot.
I suspect they just wanted her less picked to give other supports a chance which is fine but they have a trend of nerfing one hero to make other heroes more or less viable.
Mercy was nerfed for more support viability and less dps synergy (Hanzo, Dva, etc).