Give me one reason why Pharah’s ult shouldn’t be buffed?

The only argument I hear is “it has the most DPS out of any ult in the game so it needs the trade off”

So basically, this ult having the most DPS out of any ultimate makes up for it’s following weaknesses:

  1. 100% stationary
  2. Extremely easy to anticipate
  3. Requires a ridiculous amount of your team’s resources to pull off

And it’s DPS is not even that good. In fact it is quite exaggerated. It’s not enough to kill targets like tanks before you are able to quickly swap to other targets that may be focusing you down.


I will give you a good reason… Blizzard balance. There you go.

It overpowers Transcendence. On its own.


A fair weakness, yes.

It’s as easy to anticipate as basically any other ult. You probably give your own intentions away more than you realize.

No it doesn’t.

So do the smart thing and target squishies first.


Because if you buffed Rocket Barrage, Deadeye would need a set of buffs as well.
As is, Rocket Barrage can pump out insane damage in the first intial part, where Deadeye can get no value even if you use the whole ult.

Because I don’t want it buffed.

Hey, you said give you a reason. You didn’t say it had to be good


Zarya buble, and you set… yea a lot

Also, isnt it like the strongest ult alredy if it goes to dmg?


Genji ult = dash in, ult, zip around crazy fast, people die
Ana ult = shoot low target ally, people die
Pharah ult = gently float on backline… JUSTICE RA- AUGHHHhhhh!..

So I position myself in the backline when the enemy team are regrouping when i know for a fact they can’t see me at my position in the air, I concussive blast myself above the enemy team while they are already engaged in a team fight, and I still get whiped out hard is somehow my fault and not the fault of an ult that is so poorly designed? I don’t think so.

Zarya bubble gets chewed threw too fast

Defense Matrix is limited in terms of where the D Va is allowed to use it (can’t flank along with the Pharah) and only lasts up to a fraction of the amount of time barrage lasts

Mass healing can’t help it

Immortality field can’t reach it

Ya da ya da ya da ya da.

So then what happens if a Hog does a complete 180 and sees me? Or what happens if an Orisa does the same thing? Or a D Va who can straight up fly in my face?

Did i have to literally wait until all of those people are dead? If that’s the case, what’s the point in ulting if we have a huge man advantage?


It already does the most damage out of every ult in the game. The drawbacks compensate for that

No it doesn’t. Zarya’s bubble gives you plenty of room and space to delete a squishy or two. Especially if your team follows up.

You should be able to cancel it. I’d just use it to draw attention & distract.

Since you most likely gonna die anyway you have to be on point with your timing. Therefore the window of opportunity is rather small which forces you to hold on to it way to long in my opinion.

Unless you are being fed const. healing and protection.

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You want a buff? Give us some compensation

If you get two squishies before you die (and you should unless youbare terrible with her) then the death was worth it, and she us not going to be immortal or have a shield when she ults and survivability buff given to her will make her op as hell, imagine a riptire expolsion going off for a a few second that the player can aim and at the same time being hard to kill, that is OP

because doom’s ult is worse

Because DPS ults are supposed to be bad

Pharah’s ult and her HP pool needs to be buffed, it’s stupid how she wears a futuristic armored suit but has less HP than a thicc girl in a heavy coat.


It melts Rein shield and Rein himself in like half a second.

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Simple - Pharah needs buffs to EVERYTHING.
She needs faster rockets, more damage on direct impact, slight hitbox reduction, shorter cooldowns, more health, more rockets per clip, and a whole host of other buffs so she can finally be a dominant DPS without having to have Mercy’s heal-beam up her butt 24/7.

Since she’s getting NONE of these buffs - its unlikely her Ult will get buffed either.


It will kill the Pharah that uses it faster.

Direct hit: 120
Splash: 20 - 65
Self: 10 - 32.5
2.5 meter radius

this is what pharah currently does, I think it should be more like this

Direct hit and within 1 meter: 80
Splash: 40-80
Self: zero
2.5 meter radius

if you get hit with a rocket or it lands one inch away from you, there is not that big of a difference.

(my new numbers can be adjusted, but it’s just to prove a point)

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