Give me one reason why Pharah’s ult shouldn’t be buffed?

yes chef

lamb sauce aquired chef

My reason is that Pharah doesn’t need flat buffs while she remains untouchable by half the roster. Really, no character hard-forces swaps like Pharah.

Lessen her verticality and then we can talk compensation.

Also, you’re supposed to be smart about using her ult. If you use it intelligently it can be amazing. That’s the tradeoff.


That could work, though personally I’d have it be 135 per-direct (with the projectile impact incresed from 55 to 70) - that way, direct + near miss would be enough to kill a 200 HP hero.

Lets face it - Pharah’s rockets are so slow because the splash is suppose to compensate for that.
Lowering the maximum splash damage should have result in increasing the direct hit damage to account for that.


what ever happens to the numbers, Pharah’s overall average damage should ideally stay the same, maybe a little bit higher though idk

I would want three hits. A direct hit and a near miss, should do 195 damage. They have to be finished off by a stray bullet. This is my personal opinion though

if you wanna go the route of talking about forcing hero swaps, fine. That means we need a hero who hard counters Soilder and Ashe etc… So you can swap off Pharah, once you’ve forced the enemy to choose a hitscan

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Most are but Sombra, Symmetra and Genji have some of the best ults in the game.

You know - my ideal solution is for them to make up their damn minds about what Pharah is actually suppose to be.

What’s her engagement range ?
Is she a close range fighter who uses her mobility to dive people, or is she a long range fighter who kills people from afar.
They need to choose one, and then actually make her better at it.

If she’s a diver - smaller hitbox/more health and removing the self damage.
If she’s a long range fighter - increase rocket speed by a at least 75% so she can reliably land direct hits beyond mid range (And to be clear, 75% increased rocket speed is still considerably slower then a Zen Orb).


Huh? My point is hard-forcing swaps is bad in general and Pharah is one of the few true hardcounters in the game.

Make her fly less / less high and give her something to compensate for it so she’s less problematic both ways.

she needs to be artillery imho

but this is the problem with Overwatch, you can’t have Torbs and Syms ver. 1.0

they are excellent heroes but need complimentary team picks

they should reinstitute no limits, that way 6 pharahs could counter GOATS :slight_smile:

For the damage it outputs it needs to have sufficient counterplay, which is why it has all those drawbacks.

They should rework it to something like she gets free flight like Mercy Valk for 5 seconds while she fires down a rocket barrage but with weaker DPS and more AoE damage.

As I already outlined in the OP, that is not a good enough reason.

Again, as I already outlined in the OP, that is not a good enough reason.

No it doesn’t. If you are spamming it on a Rein shield or on tanks in general, that’s enough time for other DPS to flat out murder you yet if you’re targeting squishies, the tanks still have tools of their own to easily kill you (except Rein)

and that’s your personal opinion, which is objectively wrong. The most damage for a few draw backs. That’s good balancing at work.

I’m speechless that you would say this.

And you have the audacity to say I’M objectively wrong.

To that i say “no u”.

Because I really mean “no YOU are objectively wrong” because you are.

You cannot sit there and tell me that all of the weaknesses in this ult are somehow made up with it’s strengths which it practically has none outside of being high damage which is OBJECTIVELY not a good reason to say it’s good.

Honestly, the best reason, right now, why it shouldnt, is because you want it to be

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Except you know, Widow who in high ranks literally forces you to be a better widow or dive and hope she doesn’t know how to use grapple.

I prefer not to nerf heros who don’t need nerfs.

She needs a buff in survivalabilty and her ult.
No compensation needed in return.

shouldn’t be buffed but it should have a cancel button

But Deadeye got a set of buffs already to the point where it’s now literally impossible to counter-snipe. The damage ramp is also capable of shattering Symmetra’s barrier.

Where were you hiding under? A rock?

nope deadeye is still garbage

the buffs doesn’t do anything if he can’t even survive until he clicks the button, entire enemy team turns around and pokes you to death in a single instant

hide behind a shield? its predictable

flank? then we’re back at them poking again

Damage delta of 900-3600 damage. Tales of its maximum damage have been greatly exaggerated, Roadhog deals more at 4928 total damage.

Big, simple quality of life change – remove self-damage. Tracer too, all the major ultimates that have explosion damage shouldn’t harm yourself. Junkrat and D.Va bomb don’t deal self-damage anymore, there’s no reason why this should.

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I’d rather buff her base kit.

That’s because half(more like 1/3rd really)the roster is poorly designed. Most are f tiers with or without Pharah.