Give McCree a 6 seconds stun too

the fact that his skill/output ratio is pretty much 1:1, as in the amount of skill you put into him, is near equal to the amount you get back from him. unfortunately because, like i said, his skill input isnt based around mobility skill, he is inherently at a disadvantage in overwatch because of how almost all of the maps favor mobility.

Rather than 6 second stun, give him a six second roll.

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I guess we just have different opinions of what balance is. To me, being at an inherent disadvantage is not a great sign of good balance.

Neither is the fact that he has been bottom 5 in winrate in every bracket for the last 6 months, and bottom 3 in winrate for the last 6 months diamond plus.

except McCree can deal way more damage than Brigitte

mccree is a balanced hero, overwatch is just a bad game ngl
the maps are horribly balanced, and they make skillbased heroes bad because of how overtuned the easier heroes are to appeal to casuals.

But Brigitte doesn’t have a combo that can kill anyone squishies involving her stun cough cough Flashbang+FtH+Roll+FtH for noobs or just Flashbang+Headshot if you have good aim cough cough

The most Brigitte can kill with her stun is a 150 tracer or baby D. Va

You are right. She just has armor, healing, and a longer lasting stun. I’d much rather 1v1 a Winston with Brig than with McCree. Winston can’t win vs Brig. He can easily out barrier dance a McCree.

Just want to add, by breaking Brigitte’s shield you can “remove” her ability to stun for a while. You can’t do anything similar to Flasbang.


Yes and Winston could also just escape the Brigitte as soon as possible, by the second shield bash, if he tried jumping on her it’s already back and he can escape

Either decrease the FB cooldown or increase the stun duration.

I find it so silly when people cry “foul” to any changes regarding McCree.

He’s slow, he has no sustain, he has no escape, he has a dramatic damage falloff, he requires a huge amount of aiming skill, his weapon’s magazine just has 6 shots with a 1 second reload animation, his Ultimate can be detected by at least two different ways (visual and acoustic), it can be avoided, blocked, reflected or eaten.

Now let’s see the newest heroes:
Moira, a healer unlimited ammo, low DPS but combined with biotic orb can out DPS a DPS hero, can heal herself, and escape ultimates/traps and any CC with fade. Her ultimate goes through barriers, and can damage and heal at the same time.

Briggite, a DPS that needs no reloading, Healer that can heal while hitting you to no end and a Tank with a shield that can block most of the impact from ultimates and long range shots while stunning targets for at least 1 second, all in one in a nice, tight Swedish package.

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How about we remove both of those abilities? This game is an fps, stuns have no place in this game.

But for equality sake, if you shoot McCree too many times, his flashbang throwing arm falls off until it has time to regenerate:D

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But with Moira, she has limited healing and has to balance healing and DPS to be effective to her team, and in tight spaces her orb can do a lot of damage but if it hits the wall at even the slightest wrong angle, it will just be like f*ck this sh!t I’m out, and Brigitte is meant to be used as a counter to dive meta and flankers, she does very little damage and very little healing, so of course she has to have abilities like shield bash to deter flankers, I mean, unless you enjoy a tracer in your back lines all the time assaulting your DPS


Grasp Dps. 50.

Orb Dps. 50.

100 Dps is enough Dps to out Dps a Dps hero?

What Dps hero are you comparing her to?

Agreed. Flashbang also has a cast time, cannot go through barriers, and a shorter range than shield bash. So I think reducing the cooldown is more than fair. It’s necessary.


Also the roll cooldown should be reduced, to bring McCree more in-line with Hanzo.

McCree’s stun is AoE while Brigitte is only 1 Target, and it’s her only form of mobility so it still has to be on a fairly short CD, if Flashbang had to be accurate and only single target then a shorter CD would be reasonable

Obviously McCree, he only generates 70 DPS at optimal range and can miss. Moira can’t miss with her Biotic Orb and can barely miss with her stream.

Does that answer your question or do I need to bring out the crayolas?

For comparison, Soldier 76 fires 9 bullets per second, each dealing 19 damage.
The average accuracy according to overbuff is 34%. That’s a whopping 58 dps.

Now I didn’t account for many factors, but this should illustrate the issue of no aim heroes.

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Ok, but only one people stunned by flash, also, if your flash has any range far than shield bash, no more.