Give McCree a 6 seconds stun too

If Brigitte can have a 6 seconds mellee range stun, which is the easiest skill in the game to use, McCree Should also have his grenade reduced to 6 seconds too.

The flashbang doesn’t hit the enemies 100% of time and sometimes their momentum make things hard for the cowboy.


Seems fair to me. I know I don’t play Mcree, but I do play Brig and as fun as it is for me, I know the other players aren’t appreciating the bashings :laughing:


n O


Pls, No
13 character


So you should probly stay in the safty of your team. When you engage in combat you need to pick your battles. I think your out of place to face Bridgitte with Mcree.

Its like Mercy trying to solo Symmetra at point blank range. It dosent end well.


I’ve been slowly working McCree into being my main lately and i’d have to say about 8 seconds would be more fair, sure while the range is really close McCree gets 3 upper hands that Brigitte Doesn’t.

  1. his stun is more versatile than hers, he can toss it anywhere around him including above.
  2. he can follow up the stun with far more damage, Brigitte can hit for 35 all around while a decent McCree can hit for a easy 70.
  3. If melting isn’t possible he can always roll back before taking shots while Brigitte either has to stay and fight or hope she can defend long enough for someone to come help her.

So while i agree it needs a shorter time i don’t think it needs to be the exact same time.


Baguettes stun is six seconds because she doesn’t have an insta kill follow up. When mccree stuns, he has time to double dink that hero


Are you actually comparing Brigitte to McCree?


Let brig get great mid range headshots and its a deal.


If you’d like to make them the same, lets make brigittes a sphere around her too. Both of them can be AOE and lets give her mace more range… and more damage…aaand…

oh wait? that makes them the same character? … huh…


Actually i’m not gonna lie, the idea of turning her stun into an AOE where she bashes the ground and anyone really close to her is stunned would be cool. lol of course at the cost of her dash or her whip.

While I agree that would be neat, it’d make her into an absolute terror. As it is she can’t really stun more than one person, or if she can it’s mega rare. Maybe save it for a new tank? Or mebbe give it to rein =]

this being the issue.

it would basically be a team kill if you managed to hit everyone with it.

her stun, excluding if its OP or not, is single target. Cree’s isnt.

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while i dont actually hope they do it. if they actually did i think with some balancing it could fit her amazingly. let papa kaplan do his magic and itll work. lol

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Ok but only if you also reduce his damage output to match Brig’s…

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“Brigitte increases the frequency of stuns to a level that I don’t enjoy”
“Let’s make McCree stun more as well”

What could go wrong?


Nah, i feel like they should up his damage, increase stun time to 40 seconds. reduce cooldown to 1 second and every time he stuns it blinds the entire lobby. (friendly included)


This is the new cause I’ve decided to champion. #LetBrigitteMidRangeHeadshot2k18


Finally a forum user who knows how to balance a hero! :+1:


I like to think Papa Kaplan could learn from me.

HMU Jeff, i’ll make sure Sym gets a proper rework.