Give McCree a 6 seconds stun too

Ikr? Imagine the stun lock meta with Brig and Mcree!!

(Yeah lets avoid that)

  1. there’s already often enough stuns in the game
  2. Mccrees stun is harder to dodge than baguettes unless you bait it out

“When mccree stuns, he has time to double dink that hero”
Nope. An Baguette has a combo that nearly kills the average target anyway…

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yea thats what the game needs… more stun…

To be fair, I know Brig is anti-dive so it’s supposed to be a short CC ability to help with that.

The issue for me is it also makes her an offensive monster if she singles out most heroes…

not how it works.
just because they have an ability that functions similar doesn’t mean theyre actually that similar heroes.
mcree has more range more damage output and can use it to stun multiple enemies.

brig has none of those except the shield and a kinda ranged ability. she also has a slightly better movement speed but it doesn’t make up for her complete lack of range

Yes, more stuns that’s what we need. /s

Remove his ability to headshot and cut his damage in half and you have a deal.

also insta aim headshots so he never misses (he’s a deadeye remember) and always gets a crit and 0 drop off damage even at max distance

that is literally the best way to kill symmetra. she has little to no counter to flashbang and it resets her damage curve. Mcree counters symmetra.

6 seconds is broken for Brig. It would be completely busted for McMeme.

Make it 8 seconds.
Make roll 6 seconds.

Also nerf Hanzo’s leap.

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It would be better to increase baguette stun CD like Cree.
Or remove her from game.

And McCree has one that almost always kills the average target.


Don’t forget to buff his ultimate.

Deadeye now instantly locks on to everyone in the lobby except McCree.

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Dont forget to include allies as well. Aka friendly fire.

Whats more better than winning a match? You alone while killing the enemy team and your team as well as you stand on their corpses.

McCree isn’t in the best spot right now, and Flashbang could be more consistent.

I feel, though, that McCree need his ability to cancel Deadeye and get at least 25% ult charge refunded back.

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When i Play Sym the only way Mcree kills me is at a distance. Most my encounters facing Mcree end up losing their flash bang to me predicting the throw ahead of time to pop my barrier, and drain their life.

But i guess some players are not good with who they play (normaly happens when they dont play them often)

McCree got a stun radius and range increase not too long ago. He’s fine.

mccree is probably one of the most balanced heroes in the game atm and doesn’t need changes, unfortunately, being balanced around aim and not balanced around mobility means that its inherently a bad character in overwatch because of how the maps favor mobility more than aim, unless you have infinite range like zen/widow. except widow also has mobility

Well. That’s… an interesting point of view. What exactly are you basing it on?