Give Hog players their own queue

I’m so sick of playing with and against a Hog every single game. If people want to queue as tank just to play fat DPS, fine, but give them their own queue so they can wait as long as the other DPS players.


I see no problem. It would reduce my tank queue times by 90%


Priority bribery for the win, guys. Pay me gold to play Rein or I hog it up.

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7v7 but the seventh is the Hog :skull:


As if tanks had any queue times xD

To the OP - I run Hog, when I am playing tank (sometimes it happens, yeah) and I am not getting enough heal (happens a lot) :woman_shrugging:


They do; all the hog and ball players


Hog has the highest PR in the game right now in high SR…for a lot of people it wouldn’t stop seeing him on both teams every game, lol. Frustrating but that’s how it is.

As Flats said; any time Hog is considered a strong pick (and right now he is practically a must pick) in high SR the game is in a bad place balance-wise. Yikes.


No gain for you all pain for everyone else. I like it

Pretty true, you aren’t seeing Hog every game just because people want to play “fat DPS” – it’s because he’s actually extremely strong right now.

People get salty when they feel like they are losing because they can’t hide behind a barrier, but the Hog is probably doing more than you if you feel that way.

My personal opinion? Hog is trash design, rework him – he just makes the game unfun.


Yet you kinda are…
you don´t even know me. I play tank very rarely and I switch to Hog, when I am not getting enough healing as other hero (as I was saying). And for your information, I am a support main, so I kinda know, how to play and where to position my self to make healing not complicated for my supports. I also know, when I have bad supports in my group. And sorry - not sorry, if I get Lucio/Zen comp, as I did during my placements, I will go that Hog to actualy live more, than a 5 seconds, till I get melted.


I suggested this the other day. Put all the Hog players vs each other and allow everyone to spectate the clown show. I’m sure the Hog players will all love “outplaying” each other for the rest of time.


This is only reason I even still pick Tank than maybe Sigma. Hog is really too much fun compared to other Tanks

All this hog hate is great, you all have only yourselves to thank for it. Keep mewling for your rectangle dispensers, we will keep playing hog and ball.

Queue up for tank yourself and play something different.


If you understand how a hog makes space and how you can take advantage of it - you’d climb a whole lot i promise u

I loved that Piggy zoo idea

Im a tank and i despise hog for being worthless as a second tank


The switch widow to tank role, she can give you all the space by being “threatening”

See how dum that sounds?

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Remember double sniper meta

ya def dum

did more to deny vast amounts of space than tanks lmfao

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I’m a tank and I love duoing with Hog. What’s your point?

All tanks do this; it’s how tanking works. Ignoring that though I hope you’re excited for everything to be more similar to Hog in OW2.


Is this the reason when I flex I get support most of the time? Things have really changed…maybe I’ll have to go back to only queuing as Tank if I don’t want to get rusty.