Give headshot back to bastion

Recon mode has damage falloff, not sure what you’re getting at here…

You must have fought a lot of really bad Pharahs then… If she stays at a reasonable distance for a Pharah, there’s no possible way a Bastion can win.

Bastion heals at 75 health per second, and Pharah does 120 damage per rocket with a fire rate of 1.33 per second. If Bastion heals, he’s most definitely going to lose because he just gave Pharah completely free damage.

Soldier’s falloff range: 30-55 meters
Recon’s falloff range: 26-50 meters

Soldier does more damage at longer ranges

At very close range, yes. At anything beyond about 20 or 25 meters, no. Here’s some data on that if you want it. That can be taken as a best possible case scenario against squishy targets because the training bot is much fatter than squishies, and roughly the same height (give or take about half a foot or so).

Volskaya B to the choke is not long range. He shouldn’t be able to counter snipe a Widow, but he should be able to do decent damage within his effective range (35-55 meters for Sentry).