Give bastion headshots

I thought for a second that a Genji main was supporting Bastion buffs.
Then I checked the profile to be sure.

Tell us, Yin. How’s Bastion at 3.8k ?

Only thing good about him is a suprise bastion comp and pirate ship on certain maps

I’d be down to give bastion headshots just because of how funny it’d look

So we’re discussing fantasy. Nice to know.
I don’t know about you, but point blank range isn’t really something usefull in most (nearly all) cases.

Where did I say he was hitting everyone at once? Even missing a few bullets he still has brutal DPS and even if he is spreading across targets at that range, he is still doing plenty of damage foring directly into side of the group. I never said he was hitting the whole group at once.

There’s something I like to call a “healing trap”. You’re obviously hurt once they go behind cover because they’re not going to stop shooting you. You can’t stand up or you lose ironclad and are hurt and are stuck there for 0.5 seconds and his self heal has a 0.5 second activation delay so you die if you stand up. If you start healing while in sentry, well, most heroes outdamage it so you’re stuck there, your healing isn’t enough, if you stop you’ll die, and you can’t go to recon.

The idea is you “escape” by killing them. That’s how Bastion is supposed to operate.

So the answer is no then? You haven’t played him much? Because that doesn’t really happen.

The dude posted the stats here

and I don’t care about using him point blank range, I was responding to his ambush capability, which has high damage potential but also carries a high risk.

Reinhardt is the best counter to Pharah.
He does 75 DPS at point blank range.

Alright, I might be slighty loosing my temper.
I hate when people purposefully use dumb arguments to keep a hero they don’t like trash.

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The outside of a circle has more area, that means he’s missing more bullets than “a few”. As soon as you start missing any bullets you miss a lot of bullets. DPS on paper doesn’t translate to ingame.

high risk no reward most of the time.

So, what do you think about a spread revert (bloom added and max spread reduced by 33%) with added headshots while making Iron clad bound to self heal and reduced ammo to 200 ?

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Who says I don’t like him? I do like him and I think he great at what he does, which is situational usage. If he is trash to you, then maybe you are using him wrong.

You didn’t but Blizt has delt with many a person who does.

I think just headshot alone is hilarious enough lol
You already can’t move at all and you’re entirely dependent on your team to back you up. For the one character that can’t move at all I’m surprised they haven’t given him a defensive passive IN his sentry form.

Situational usage means he’s bad. Considering you’re also telling us people shouldn’t die when he starts shooting them as well so he’s situationally crap.

Go main him for a season.

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As Doomfist puts it, “The best defense…”

That would be using him wrong, wouldn’t it?

“and they say”
“and they say”
“and they say”

That’s the issue. He’s the only hero that people say you shouldn’t main who isn’t getting a buff/rework.

Um what does that mean?