Give a Hanzo a new ability, due to storm Nerf

I don’t main anybody, and Hanzo mains are just pathetic weaboos that think spamming is aiming


You act like the class that litterally has damage reducing and avoiding abilities is the most defenseless in the game…

Oh no I died to a high aim high damage ability…

Sorry but I’ve been hearing wait for awhile but they never wit to Nerf look at Sombra…

…no we don’t have all our abilities. I guess they need to remove Rez all together for you to understand then give her an ability that takes actual skill.

75 damage reduction to me would have been fine but 70 is whatever I guess. I think we should see how it goes first.
Either way I’ll still main him A, Z, trash, or meme tier he’s still one of my favorite heroes.

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Not all of us are like that though. Ideally I would’ve liked 2 arrows reduced with a 10s CD on Storm Arrow. But, chipping off -10dmg might just be that sprinkle of balance he needed. We can’t say for sure until we’ve tested it out.

Honestly, it could’ve been worse.

Console Peasant here, (no access to PTR) is there new changes to Honzo?

YOU act like his defense means somethng.

Literally by doing the maths, his “20% damage reduction” equates to 60 HP, meaning he has 360.

1 of Hanzo’s rapid fire arrows is enough to make that extra 60 HP moot.

Stop complaining. Hanzo is fine. He will be fine. He just needs a slight tone back, but overall I’m satisfied with his he turned out. Stop being so entitled and ignoring the fact that Hanzo might not be 100% balanced ATM.

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They are nerfing his base damage on his rapid fire. IDK the values, but body shots will do less damage (can’t 2 hit kill a 150 HP hero, but can still 1hk if he lands a HS.) TO clarify: his crit damage will be the same, just the body shots will just have their base damage lowered.

Overall moot, it just punished the bad Hanzos who bank off his rapid fire + body shots for kills while they miss near-every one of his primary arrows.

OP is either salty because Blizzard is touching his main, or that they abused his rapid fire to get ez kills.


80 damage to 70…omg such a massive nerf never knew thats gonna ruin him…seriously its not even a big nerf

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Yeah he just isn’t good enough. They should give him a 60 damage homing arrow on a 3 sec cool down. Maybe hanzo mains will be happy then? 5.9% pick rate (highest dps) just isn’t enough. it should be 10%

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Maybe we will be happy when they give us a ability suitable to replace scatter. We got a pray and spray. Have the highest aim requirement in the game no other hero has as small projectiles slow fire and gets told they can’t aim and every kill they get is ez… Seriously. I wish other here’s had to aim as much as Hanzos. But all they do is spray and pray soldier or splash damage pharah and everyone thinks theya re fine

But…I love his new kit. Nothing is wrong with it. Reducing damage will still make him much more enjoyable to play.


Dude, the nerf is becasue he became a mustpick in high ELOS. It’s impossible an ultimate like dragon could be available every 20 sec. Storm is eating tanks like coockies…No sense. The nerf? That’s nothing, they need to nerf the ult charging and remove half of the ammo of the storm to make it balanced with the rest of the heros. It is way OP even with the ricidoulus new 70 damage…

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I don’t, I hate storm arrows but at least they were powerful and gave us a decent measure to deal with tracer and genji. If they keep nerfing him he’ll have nothing. Also storm arrows completely screwed how his kit works they could have given him a couple arrow abilities plus reducing charge rate instead of storm arrrow which is completely odd for his kit I get kills with it which is great but no satisfaction from having to spray and pray and if you don’t spray and pray it goes completely against muscle memory for him.

They give in to the Hanzo haters at every turn and the Hanzo players have to always adapt. Come on.

And there’s the entitlement once again…

And yet Scatter, which was 1 arrow fired, was more consistent than his primary fire. I think his rapid fire is fine since it makes up for his high aim requirement (and thus so people don’t suck on him). But like I said above, it needs more restrictions.

But he doesn’t need to reload. Also a quick throwback to when he shot logs. How’d that work out? Not good, I can tell you that much.

At this point that’s all the defense/F-tier heros. I get the same **** when I play Bastion, which now’s a good time to remind you that Hanzo was higher in F-tier than Bastion is.

Try Bastion with his spread. You could have aimbot and you’d die to the enemy faster than you could kill them.

Hitscan is objectively easier than projectiles.

Which becomes useless above plat. No Pharah that I’ve ever seen in D+ relies off of splash damage.

Seriously, get over yourself. His dmg nerf doesn’t gut him, it makes him just a little less effective.

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I cant link it right now, but you can find the confirmation in the developer section of the general forums.

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He has never shot logs…

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But that’s really your own personal dislike. And that’s fine. Just don’t speak for the rest of us. You’re not a spokesman for Hanzo mains when you say “we want” or “we didn’t want”. No, “we” just want Hanzo to remain consistent, enjoyable, and no longer considered a troll pick that gets us reported.

Even if they removed his E ability entirely, you can use his normal arrows just fine without that extra crutch. You can’t say he isn’t a little overtuned right now.


they’re just repeating the youtubers now. stylosa and your overwatch, or was it overwatch central…idc anymore. they rarely get their facts straight anyway, all bias, no substance, all stretched over a 10 minute period.

September 1, 2016

Hanzo will now experience a 30% decrease in speed while aiming (formerly 40%)
Maximum projectile speed has been increased by 30%
Arrow size has been reduced by 33%

Read it and weep. Now stop acting so entitled, because you have NO idea of what you’re talking about.



Way more than that. He is still way OP right now. He has too many arrows in the storm kit. And also is chargin his ult in 20seconds!!! c’mon people!