“Git Gud” is Toxic

[Hey folks. Since this thread has devolved into personal attacks and has turned pretty negative, we’re going to go ahead and lock it - Forum Moderator]

The retort “git gud” is also a toxic phrase. It isn’t helpful, and its an attempt to end dialogue, whether you agree with a comment or not.

You can certainly articulate yourselves better.

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When it’s used as a put-down, of course it is toxic.

If you freely adopt it as a philosophy, it doesn’t have to be. I get my butt kicked, instead of lamenting the balance or my teammates or the will of the heavens and rending my clothes… Instead what if I just need to “git gud”?

Basically, can you or I directly influence any of those factors in a match other than ourselves?


It’s not. Stop brand everything toxic. Or we’ll end up in a world where’s “hello” is toxic and everyone just silent and grumpy.

Oh, wait, being grumpy is toxic. And smiling make depressed people sad. So let’s just wear masks


I liked your comment because I really generally agree with ppl being too hypersensitive.

But I will argue that saying get good to someone who is genuinely trying is only harmful.


False equivalence.

If I’m in debt, and advice given to me is “get rich”, that isn’t a complete thought. It isn’t structured or helpful.

Sure, you can get good, but no one who says “git gud” is providing worthwhile information.


PMA man. PMA (post mu

When genji complains about symmetra - only logical response would be git gud. Adding “Scrub” would be toxic, here i agree


Didn’t I basically agree with you?

Telling others to “git gud” is a meme that some have adopted seriously.

What I am saying is that if you want to walk a path of self-improvement that is perfectly healthy. Sometimes one really does need to just get better at something via practice or trying a bit harder.

Sometimes things that seem imbalanced really aren’t, one simply needs to get better at dealing with them. Especially since again you can only control your own actions in a match.


I read the last bit in Zenyatta’s voice.


On a real note tho how can you still be a dallas fuel fan?

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It’s from a group i was in, we got on a good streak, all put on the fuel icon, fuel skins, and fuel sprays. and we kept saying at the end of each game “The only wins the fuel’s getting” or some variety of that.

TL;DR - 4 the memez

Depends on the context. Sometimes the easiest solution to a balance problem is just learning the game. Using it as an insult is toxic.


Im sorry but when people cant kill moira as dps and cry for nerfs , its a git gud issue


Get good.

Awaiting to get suspended since op mindlessly claimed it’s ‘‘toxic’’.


I mean, I don’t think it is. In order to get good, one needs to practice

I agree to a point, as stated I think the intent behind the phrase is what can brand it a defeating enterprise or a potentially, uplifting bit of encouragement. I do think on the other side though, people are a bit…

Argh… I can’t even really say over-sensitive because that, in and of itself, is a judgement call based in personal bias… ahhh crap…

Okay so, anyway. Pending intention, ‘git gud’ can definitely be an annoyance.

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Hm, I don’t quite think the phrase in and of itself is toxic…

However, if someone is saying it in a serious context, they will almost always get the response “Please elaborate.

And they never do, ever.

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Everything I don’t like is toxic
The emotional childs guide to overwatch


“Get Gud” is definitely toxic, at least it is when it’s used on these forums. Virtually, every time I’ve run into the get gud “argument” it was being used as a way to dismiss my opinion/argument or someone else’s. The translation of ‘get gud’: “I’m really good at this game so until you’re as good as me you don’t matter.”


This person is onto something right here…PERSONA!!!