"Girls only play support"

I mean…i got accused of being a gay dude for playing Sym… people say stupid things and have stupid stereotypes

Im pretty sure angry male genji mains are also a stereotype

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She can heal constantly, move with hero who dives or fly to her ally, rez people
and her Valkyrie has AOE heal, she can fly while using it, and change to her pistol and shoot people if she wants to

Wait did you just assume males only play dps

Female and hard-core support main… but of the female friends I play with one is a Soldier/Junkrat/Sombra main and the other is a Widowmaker main sooo…

Are you implying that girl players don’t jump on the DPS race too?

Well I just like Mercy. Everything about her. Her design, the skins, the voicelines and her playstyle. I started to play OW because I saw some pics of her. It was love at first sight. And how is she not fun? Her new mobility is so much fun I could fly between my teammates the whole time :rofl:

like in world of warcraft, a lot of girls play Warlock, druid, or priest
Its just a fact

i disagree with that… though Support is the Girlfriend class. Coming from a straight guy who playing a healer in WoW for 6 years. i meet a lot of women who just heal i don’t think its because its because Girls only play support or they should. its just because they’re kinda drawn to it. “Hey look at this edge girl! Oh my god look at this girl who looks like an angel. look at at this girl! she’s a gamer girl. I’M A GAMER GIRL!” ok i know D.va isn’t a support. i can’t think why i see a lot of girls playing Sym BUT they do

Any particular reason you chose to essentially sub-tweet on the forums?

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Kinda sad, I’m a support/mid main on league and when I came into overwatch I made sure I wouldn’t become just a support main, I respect the support role and all I just didn’t want to play a role that I mostly got bored off when I was playing league, I’ll fill when I have to or play Ana in qps she’s fun.

I love watching Barcode cause she plays DPS you don’t see a lot of female streamers going dps so she stands out for me.

By all means play whatever you like and feel you’re best at I was just addressing the people that deny the fact that most girls do prefer the support role.

And I do agree that some cases you might be pressured into a role that you become good at while bad at other roles.


This stereotype is the reason why I don’t talk in team chat. I’ve only talked in team chat twice and have been harassed for being a girl and not playing support both times.

I’m a flex player, so I usually fill support and tank anyways, but sometimes I just get bored of that and play DPS.


It´s annoying that when I played Mercy, some actually thought that I was a girl :man_facepalming:

In my entire time playing this game I have not once ever encountered a girl who was not willing to switch to what was needed for the team if someone asked her to. Not. Even. Once.


Takes our binoculars
I’m not seeing anything…

There’s a reddit post called: “Why are there so many female Mercy mains?” - The real reasons and a woman’s perspective for those who care

I think it’d be a good read for a lot of people here.

I played very few video games growing up (mostly Pokemon), and Overwatch is my first shooter game. I also didn’t start maining Mercy until I realized no one else was going to heal, and I didn’t want to have to cause any drama or fight to play anyone besides a healer. She was easy to play, which was good for me, and I was able to stop fights between teammates and keep the environment cool, at least for the most part. There’s a lot more to it than just being “drawn to supports,” at least that’s what I think.


Then we haven’t played with the same people. xD
Wether it be Junkrat, Zarya or Moira, i’ve encountered multiple of the limited amount of female’s i’ve played with who refuse to switch. xD

What is the point in identifying gender over chat? What is the point in identifying gender at all (outside academia of course)?

I have found that most female players are more cooperative and willing to pick what’s best for the team, and considering most players immediately instalock 4 dps, they end up having to go support. It’s not rocket science.


I’ve actually been working at just being a main tank player, LOL. I enjoy the role and it’s always needed-- so I can instalock it if I want.

I’ve started instalocking DPS but when the aggro bros play tank and support like DPS with no situational awareness I tend to have to switch so at least their aggro habits are used with characters than can channel it. I hate playing support and I’m starting to resent playing tank. Sometimes I want to DPS with a competent team and more often than I like, I have to switch to something to keep us all alive.
I get wins sometimes this way but shrug It sucks.