GG Genji it was fun

I’m used to it.

I’m just disappointed with them. I have very, VERY low faith in this balance team already and this just proves that I wasn’t wrong to be skeptical.

They even know that “hey! We can do partial reverts as nerfs” with D.Va…but don’t do that to other characters because they’d like to butcher them instead.

It’s just clown-worthy honestly.

Indeed, then the problem isn’t the character, it’s the players, which brings me back to my second point

You’re very uninformed about how much the drop from 29 to 27 really is

Come back to this thread once you understand the breakpoints and combos this change ruins :slight_smile:


Next patch is gonna be reaper, and then everyone in low elo will complain about him and get him sledgehammered. Sure genji should get a small nerf but even just the damage nerf will kill him with how much healing is in the game.

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but genji was a bit worse than a sojurn anyway so a nerf was required but not what they gave him

Yay blade bot once again boys! LETS GO! Good job blizzard, youve learned nothing about genji.


the same reaper sometimes does not work with the current damage to heal what is it, and yet it is quite good but i agree with this

Yeah but I imagine the meta will be kiriko, reaper, sojourn, and winston/dva. Support players will still be complaining

Genji is still op. so that.


Oh I understand. It doesn’t change the fact that you can just fire one more shot to get that 6 damage back and more

Removes oneshot from rightclick melee

Allows almost every single healer to outheal all his combos if he doesn’t only land headshots

Yeah man this is such a small nerf, give me a break dude


reaper meta oh yeah xD

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i thought we were way past April fools


How about we nerf both genji AND sojourn?

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It’s not a small nerf, that’s the point. You thinking you suddenly can’t deal damage because you can’t one shot people is the joke.

Again, get good. The delete people combo isn’t Genji’s only quality.

well november 15th is still a long ways away. guess we get to enjoy our “op” heroes for 2 weeks. i know who im playing for 2 weeks straight (sombra).

after the 2 weeks ill just start playing sojourn and ashe lol

Sojourn is the brig of DPS heroes, insanely easy to use and get good value out of. I’m not one to advocate for the dumpstering of heroes but I genuinely don’t care if she gets nerfed to the ground.


Your reasoning is a joke and you obviously don’t understand how damage breakpoints work in this game. He has to literally be in someone’s face on a squishy deep in the backline to land that one-shot, which isn’t easy to land at all, and then he has to get out without dying. Now if he even thinks about trying this or any of his other risky combos we will just die unless he lands every headshot with the smallest projectiles in the game.

He will straight up be a blade bot now. There will be very little reason to play him over any other hero because in order to land his combos he’ll need to be perfect.

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Why are his combos and one shotting people all you think about though? What about general damage? Flanking like other flankers do? Dashing to finish off already low targets? Deflect?

Like, is triple headshot melee the only thing you practice? Because if so, maybe that’s why you’re bad at the character

Combos are the most essential part of his kit in high ranked play

You shouldn’t be telling people to get good if you don’t know this

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