GG Genji it was fun

Unlike other flankers, he has little to no sustain damage and requires you to get out of the fight as quick as possible, so he heavily relies on burst combos to finish people off.

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You can still combo. Just because you can’t combo somebody and kill them in half a second doesn’t mean he’s useless.

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He still has that. You just need an additional shot for full health targets.

The fabled reaper meta.

I for one welcome our edgy boi :ghost:

1 combo = around 1.2 seconds of downtime

Now let’s say that you do half of someones HP with that combo, you will be sitting there like a clown while they’re being healed back up and you’re without a dash reset


On the cast, they said he was over performing in every rank.

So, I guess he was over performing in every rank.


You’re not gonna do half their health in a situation you would have otherwise killed them with this nerf. It’s 6 damage.

Well anyone who dies to genji is a boosted bronze player no matter the SR

this is a joke

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At least they’ve dealt with most of the issues (or so we will see). Better than they did in OW1 when it took 6 months to get a stupid balance patch.

Yeah, they also said Soujorne was underperforming bellow Master yet this is not the experience most have at least according to the forums and my personal experiences.

They also didn’t say how Genji is taken out as soon as a counter shows up in OWL.


It is so funny that you have to put “this is a joke” in the post, because of how the forums are :slight_smile:

Because you know there are people here who would die on that hill :slight_smile:

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There’s patch notes today?

Nevermind i see it

Poke before engaging, then use a dash combo which usually grants the kill

Now with this change the healers can simply heal his poke damage back up with no problem and he has no chance to ever get a pick without a dive tank helping him in every situation

Why would I ever want to pick Genji when Sojourn, Tracer and Echo do more damage and have better mobility along with the same power ultimates (besides tracer)

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That additional shot is the difference between life or death

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and, if you want their cast where they talk about it.

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Any damage nerf below 29 will remove 1 shot. 28 dmg leaves target with like 2 hp I think?

How would you guys have balanced around him?

Personally I would have brought back brig stun idgaf

Correct, 27 damage is even harsher because it means he gets way less ultimate charge


So what would you have done

Removed the DPS passive and potentially touched on his Deflect if he were still problematic after


They’d have to rework the dps passive for everyone and that would mean they’d have to admit they were wrong.

That won’t happen

Least not anytime soon